Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Global warming, shmobal borming.

 What global warming? Look, fake news, hype, conspiracy, new world order! Okay just because it was snowing two weeks ago and then went straight into a solid week of being in the high twenties Celsius (80s Fahrenheit) and now we are entering into a solid week of 30s Celsius (90s Fahrenheit) doesn't mean it's climate change. I mean we often have boiling temperatures with extreme heat warnings before the leaves are out on the trees. Umm, actually no we don't.

 This spring I kept texting my friends that I was worried about extreme weather this summer. March was unusually beautiful, normally that is when I have to clear snow from the yards the most. This year I think I only had to plow snow about four times in all of the month of March, the beginning of April was also unusually pleasant. The end was cold but only because the jet stream came down for a week. I worry because we have extremely high humidity in spring and summer, now with extreme heat and extreme humidity we are quickly becoming a mini tornado ally, I already hate storms, in 2013 we had a tornado, it came close to the buildings, I will never forget the feeling of helpless fear as it approached, I will also never forget the sound. I know it's going to come back for revenge, it certainly did not help with my storm anxiety.

 I kept saying the summer would be hot and that worried me. I don't argue with people, climate change is real, actually I jump down their throats, I can't stand people insisting on ignoring facts. Here we are, it's the end of May, two weeks ago it was snowing and now we are hitting record temperatures... but the insane thing is these temperatures would normally only be seen around here at the end of July or beginning of August. I can remember hoping for a heat wave in summer like this when I was a child. Many summers we didn't reach that high of temperatures, ruining our ice cream and swimming days.

 The leaves are not even fully on the trees yet, it hasn't rained in almost two weeks. Instead of everything being a beautiful lush green for spring, the lawn is burned up already. I've never seen a brown lawn at the end of May, looks like crap, the only green are the weeds. We went from me not sowing a garden because the ground was too cold and damp, to frying the soil into dust, but hey... climate change is fake news because we had this exact situation in 19never. Unfortunately they say we have reached the tipping point, even if everyone stopped using any kind of energy, it would probably take about two hundred years for things to even begin to go back to normal.

 It's only May 26 and the humidity is already so high at nine in the morning, that I feel like I'm suffocating.


  1. I agree, there is a huge climate issue.

  2. Don't complain about hot weather....we can finally sleep naked! Nothing new here, but it can get chilly in the winter in the buff. Now it will be comfortable.

  3. Ah, trust Maddie to look on the bright side! *Winks* Yes, Global Warming, yet another major Issue that too many think if they ignore it will go away as if by Magic! I think Lock Down did show us how quickly Mother Nature and her Creatures could recover if Mankind would quit fucking things up. Will we actually Learn anything from that Lesson the Virus forced down Humanity's Throat? I doubt it, the moment the Inmates were set Free they went Buck Wild and couldn't be Trusted to do the right thing to save their very lives, or the lives of other people... I think perhaps this Bat Soup Virus is going to thin Herds considerably. Sadly some will be the most vulnerable of Society and the most neglected segments deemed Expendable... but on the bright side, some will be the Stupid and those who refused to Believe Experts and Truth. Rather they opted to pin their Life and Hopes on a smarmy Politician... so no Wonder too many can't wrap their Tiny Minds around something like Global Warming!

  4. climate change deniers need to die of COVID-19 NOW!

  5. The term is climate change. Our climate here in Michigan is changing and leaving a lot of places under water.

  6. Now that Dawn took it there....I wish Mother Nature and her Creatures would take back the Earth....and clean more idiots out before this is over. There goes the dark side again. I'll always side with earth and animals before humans.

  7. No more bad news,, let's have some better news xx

  8. Really.
    I think global warming is going to give the world a surprise as big and as nasty as this COVID 19 did.
    It's incredible that so many people's worldview is askew due to their beliefs. Science is science, people!!


  9. The Central Air is now officially on. We're heading into July weather a month early. This past winter was warm. We had 2 inches of snow. This is what Climate Change looks and feels like. By the way, I accidentally deleted your comment this afternoon.

  10. The fallacy come from people commonly calling it global warming. And then they say “but it still gets cold in the winter and snows.” As you and others mentioned the correct term is climate change. We are seeing more violent weather patterns and record rains. Even in sunny California I’m told they are having more rain. So chalk up another one for ol’ Mother Nature. She can be an angry bitch.
