Thursday, May 28, 2020

Butt Naked.

 Yesterday was hot, I mean hhhhhot. That old saying, "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" well in this case it was both. I was doing gardening stuff until afternoon. Then the sun was just too much. I came in, had a late lunch and decided to take a cool bath before the storms started again.

 When I got out, I wasn't in any hurry to redress and I ran around doing inside chores for awhile when I suddenly realized that I was still in my bare bottom. Normally that would never happen, I never liked being nude, I always felt uncomfortable. The last couple of years that started to slowly change for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm still modest, I would never put myself in a situation where someone could accidentally see me.

 Last year when I made friends with a bunch of nudist, it turned out to be a really good experience for me. Not only did I get in some social skills practicing meeting people, I also learned to be comfortable with myself. I discovered that I was so worried about how I looked, that I didn't notice most other men look just like me... well with the exception of the guys with gi-normous penises. My view of being nude changed for me after that. Unfortunately that whole social scene is completely out the door now.

 As evening came I just put a towel down on my favorite chair and watched tv in the buff. I was amazed by how normal it felt to me now. I went to bed and had a great sleep, unusual for me because I usually have to wear something while sleeping. I feel vulnerable at night and I guess my brain thinks a t-shirt and shorts are going to protect me from a burglar. Well at least I'm covered if I have to run out in the night. I realize now that I'm probably the only one left that wears something to bed. All my male friends, gay or straight tell me they sleep in the nude, they say that they can't sleep any other way. I'm going to try again tonight, it felt freeing.

 One thing I often worry about during these times, is the bad habit I have of constantly touching my face when I'm mindlessly doing something, like reading or watching tv. I say to my friends that it's a good thing I'm not living in the city. I noticed last night however that it wasn't my face I kept mindlessly touching. Hey well maybe it's something that would be beneficial for men to try... watching tv in the nude, every man reading this knows exactly what I'm talking about.


  1. This made me smile. Tomorrow Balder Half and I are scheduled to get a ginormous cotton swab shoved up our noses. Oh the frabuous joy! I haven't worn underwear since March but I don't go anywhere without a bra at the very least. I don't think my boobs will know what to do with a bra anymore. Nudity is awesome especially in heat and you're not expecting anyone. Enjoy your newfound freedom while you can.

    1. Deedles, this is one test that you want to get a zero on! I have to wear underwear, I don't want to smell like bum sweat.

  2. Your new man has made a new you. I like that!

    1. Jimmy, oh you are soooo wrong, he is so coiled up, I'm the one always trying to get him to loosen up.

  3. When I'm alone, I very seldom wearing anything. Who the hell will see it anyhow? Most people are extremely uptight about nudity, even alone.

    1. Cali Boi, meh I don't believe you, I think maybe I need pictures as evidence. Well... you can't blame me for trying, right buddy? ;D

  4. spouse and I have not been wearing many clothes since we are working from home. I always wear a t-shirt to bed cause I get the chills, even in summer. spouse is comfortable in tighty whities for sleeping. I have been saving $$$ on water since I am not doing laundry every week!

    1. Anne Marie same here, my amount of laundry is waaaaay down. Sometimes I don't do laundry for two weeks.

  5. If I'm home, with no plans to go out, and with just Carlos and me in the house, I wear very little ...or nothing. It's just more comfy airing out my bits and pieces.

    1. Bob, well no wonder poor Carlos gets so distracted all the time.

  6. Hahaha
    Oh Steven. You naughty boy. Now I'm thinking about you lounging around in your Adam suit.
    I have seldom wandered around the house naked, roomies, you know. But I do think it feels liberating. I sleep in my undies, though. Especially in the summer and it's nice.
    When the pandemic is over, I should explore going to a nudist beach. Yep.


    1. Sixpence, funny but (butt) I pictured you running around nude most of the time. I want to go to a nude beach, unfortunately I would need about nine bottles of sunscreen for my white Celtic skin. Maybe even a little sun hat for my wee wee, wait did I say little... I meant a large hat!

  7. Well that’s an eye opener! I’ve never really spent any casual time in the nude, except in sexy situations. And I usually sleep in gym shorts and a t-shirt, even in winter. And I think we should organize a field trip with Sixpence. 😎

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, I usually always sleep in clothes. During winter I sleep with more clothes on than I wear during the day in my house.

  8. I went to the office yesterday. I practiced all the right things, mask, sanitary wipes but I still touched my face way too much also.

    1. Bathwater, lol for a second I thought you were going to say you went to work in the nude! Yes I touch my face way too often, I need one of those cones from the vets I think. I shaved my beard, that just makes me touch it more.

  9. Replies
    1. Richard, hmmm you seem to be such a rigid person I don't believe you, I think I need pictures as proof.

  10. I usually where shorts because I have big dogs and I don't want them to think I've got their lunch tied round my waist.

  11. Dave, yes exactly hahaha, you don't want them snacking on sausage.

  12. I've been underwear since Monday. Well, except to walk Buster, duh. The only reason I dressed was because I had volunteering at the ASPCA today. Otherwise I sleep naked all year.

  13. Maddie, I'm so shocked! I thought you were a proper lady! I can't believe you run around in your... naaah just kidding. I would have been disappointed if you said otherwise!
