Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Seeing is believing.

  Shamefully I have said some negative things about a certain President of a certain country and that's not right considering this is politics that has nothing to do with me. Generally I feel it's because of some bad influences that I have come under (I'm looking at you Bob) while reading blogs. Also of no help, I was egged on by others, (cough, cough Dave, cough Anne Marie). I take no responsibility in my negative comments regarding this person. Now in fairness I want to give everyone an example of his effective leadership, as a realist I always feel you have to see it to believe it.

 Oh sorry, did I say effective leadership? I meant infective leader, as in an infectious pus filled boil on most of America's ass. Anyone who would vote for that incompetent twit needs to have their voting rights removed or head examined or both.


  1. Infectious pus filled boil? My, you do wax poetic at times. He is, unfortunately going to get worse as he desperately tries to hold on to his radicalized base. They love him for it. Such a shame their a shrinking minority.

    1. Dave, I calls em as I sees em! Yes who will he blame next, I heard he was going to blame Fauci but that trial balloon burst quickly so redirect towards the WHO.

  2. Replies
    1. Bob... trouble maker! Seriously that's totally messed up, you could have pulled anyone off the street (if there were any people) and they would probably do better.

  3. I'll throw in a gaymen for Maddie's booty! Everything else is just swamp thing fodder. I don't know what that means, exactly, but it sounds good.

    1. Deedles, well you never disappoint me with your comments. Hahaha!

  4. Thank you Steven for bringing a little bit of sunshine to an otherwise dreary snowy day. Hopefully we can lance that boil soon. And Maddie’s bootie is fine!

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, that should be a new chant for the dems, "lance that boil! Lance that boil!" Hahaha!

  5. I am at the point I cannot stand even a photo of this person.

    1. Dr Spo, I had vowed to never mention "it" on this blog but there comes a point where you just can't ignore something so tragic anymore.

  6. Anne Marie, hahaha, I kinda thought you might like this!

  7. Jimmy, the only thing I didn't like about that booty picture is he had pants on!

  8. Sixpence, I kept hearing "shit show" and after I saw that... a perfect description!

  9. Richard, oh you're so judgemental! Lol!

  10. I can't stand to even think of him. I hate seeing his picture, I hate hearing him talk. He embarrasses me, and makes me want to move to the Great North of Canada! Wish I could.

  11. Michael, imagine how bad you're going to feel when he gets back in!!!
