Friday, April 17, 2020

Huh? Friday already?

 Somehow it's Friday again, boy you know that old saying is certainly true, "time flies when you're having fu... feelings of insanity". Well maybe that's not exactly what they say. I think the week went fast, I'm just no longer sure if that's a good thing or bad thing.

 I was able to connect with someone inside the nursing home where my mother is. Mom is doing fine, her illness was just a cold, she still wants to help the workers keep the place clean. I say whatever makes her happy just let her do it. I was worried to be honest because in the province where mom is, they have had a lot of nursing homes infected with the virus. In one home the workers panicked and they all suddenly quit, leaving elderly people there for days without food, water or being cleaned. The stuff of nightmares for me, fortunately where mom lives, belongs with the healthcare system so the government has a hand in it.

 I had a little guilt about something but it's gone now. I didn't see mom for about a week and a half. I was dating Mr X and feeling pretty good about life. I find the visits with mom are almost always heartbreaking or depressing so I had missed my regular visits. I remember coming home one night and thinking that this "virus" was starting to sound serious and that I had better go see mom in case they decided to do a lockdown. The next day the home went into lockdown.

 Life is funny when you are me, the one time I say to myself, "it won't hurt to miss one visit" the entire world collapses. I felt guilty for about a week or so but not anymore, that just life.. it sucks and good old Murphy's law will always kick in. Even though mom is doing well and there is no illness in the home, I'm prepared for a call telling me that COVID has entered the building. I'm prepared for all the drama that will follow.

 Today however all is well with my family, it's sunny out and I have things to do outside. I'll worry about the drama if or when it comes, it's how I cope lately.


  1. Call me crazy but I have begun counting the days left and not wanting this to end so soon.

  2. You have a good strategy for dealing with drama.

  3. And today is what counts. Your mom is well and things seem to be ok in other fronts, too.
    You have to remember that you DO have a life and you need to live it.

    Super glad your mom is doing well. Here in the states the stories coming out of nursing homes are heartbreaking. People dying in masse and relatives only seeing their loved ones across parking lots or windows. But this too shall pass. At least you have a proficient government in Cananda. COVFEFE-19 here does shit.


  4. It's too bad there isn't a medication for guilt. If they did,the pill company would be super rich!

  5. your mom probably doesn't realize that you missed a visit. NO GUILT!

  6. AM is right. My mom had dementia and according to her my sister, who visited occasionally, was there 'yesterday.'

  7. I sure hope the coronavirus stays out of your Mom's home.

  8. What Six said:
    Today is what counts. You learned about your mom and know she's doing better. That's good; let that feeling wash over you for a hot minute.

  9. No guilt is right. Glad your mom is doing well and that the virus hasn't come into her facility.

  10. Sounds like more like shame than guilt. That's worse. Keep watching this so as it doesn't drag you down.
