Saturday, December 21, 2019

Winter Solstice, yesssss!

 Winter solstice, I'm not spiritual about it but I'm definitely aware of it in a practical sense. The days will begin to get longer soon. I'm not sure why but the darkness didn't affect me this year... so far at least. At least now it will soon start to go the other way.

 I love this piece of music, it's by Dead Can Dance, a world music type band... definitely not top forty lol. There are some pagan-ish imagines with the music so it's as best as I can do.


  1. Winter solstice blessings to you, Steven.

  2. The days are getting longer but they are also getting colder and snowier. The worst is yet to come. Today was surprisingly sunny and nice (some guy at the grocery store was wearing shorts -- was he related to you?) but the weather will turn soon.

  3. happy solstice to you too dearie!
