Friday, December 20, 2019

Life lessons and refried beans.

 Yesterday I was heating up some homemade chicken stew, I noticed there was not a full portion and decided to add something that was quick. I had some refried beans and decided to heat them up. Later I texted a friend, "whoa... note to self, never eat refried beans again"! He text back, "lol, grossing yourself out are we"? Yup! I didn't think it was possible to make the house smell like the barn without the use of farm animals... but apparently it is. Somewhat comical when I can't stand to be in the same room as me and it's a very odd feeling when you become annoyed with yourself, "ahh really Steve, really"???

 How can one little meal produce so much fuel? I have a lot of guilt now, I feel that I single handedly have caused a greater negative impact on climate change. Another lesson I learned besides staying away from refried beans... is that when you go to bed with this "issue"... blankets are not your friend!


  1. * makes mental note once married, keep Steven away from refried beans*

    How do the linens smell today?

  2. I THOUGHT I smelled something stinky coming from the great white north!

  3. Maddie, it seems safe to come around me today!

  4. Anne Marie, I bet you can cut one as good as any man!!! Hahaha!

  5. Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Having said that, if you aren't eating the beans then the cows and chickens are, and they fart too.

    1. Lurker, I knew it, in fact I think I killed off at least three endangered species. Of course none of them would be mosquitoes.

  6. Eating rice with refried beans helps eliminate the after effects.

  7. Word of advice: if that every happens again stay away from open flames.

    1. Dave... lol okay buddy will do! I thought you were going to say stay away from your place! Hahaha!

  8. Steven, I love how you can class up a flatulence story! Beans don't have that effect on me. Now broccoli, WHEW! I also discovered yesterday, that sugar causes me to go into full thruster mode now that I cut it out of my diet for the most part. Never again will I fall for delicious, brown and oh so good round rum balls.

    1. My DD, I'm actually okay with broccoli and regular canned beans. Homemade beans are a completely different story (everybody run)! Thanks for saying I'm classy while being gassy! :D

  9. One of the benefits of living alone. The freedom to do as you wish. Also, I would advise that you get a dog. You can always blame it on the dog.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, I never had a dog in the house but my dad was often blamed for my silent sneakers!

  10. Replies
    1. Sixpence, if you laughed, then my work here is done!
      You see what HuntleyBiGuy is saying above right? Beware of dog! ;D

  11. Replies
    1. Anne Marie, and I love that you are proud to be loud... and stinky... hahaha!

  12. @deedles - rum balls...balls...BOTH DEE-LISH!

  13. Anne Marie, and both give me gastrointestinal distress! Oh well, the story of my life. I just can't have good things.

  14. Just embrace them balls Deedles!!!! Embrace them balls.

  15. Maddie, Balder Half would just love you, as we all do!

  16. Pearly Gates, well it's not my fault, my bouncer passed out drunk and let the riff-raff in! The joint has never been the same again... thankfully!!!

  17. Dr Spo, oh yes I learned that years ago, I like curry but it doesn't like me!!!
