Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Nothing Post.

 I kept going to post but I kept forgetting what the topics were that I was going to use... and I'm feeling "meh" about posting today. I don't want to put in the energy to a thoughtful post. Maybe... (lol) try Sixpence's blog... that man posts some good s##t on his site! Except when I was waiting in the doctor's office and I opened his blog and he had all these gifs of guys masturbating! I nearly dropped my phone with all the sudden vids of men pumping the piston... and me surrounded by little old ladies with the sniffles. Thanks a lot Sixpence!

 I'm really enjoying reconnecting with my old school friend and the best part is he is reconnecting with all of me, gay warts and everything. It's sweet the way he is wishing he could go back in time to support me, to protect me, that's a real man right there.

 The other thing is we still have the same sense of humour (humor 4 Deedles :D) and if anyone was reading our texts, they would have us committed. It's funny how he tries to get under my skin and I pretend not to notice.
Him: Political correctness is ruining free speech!
Me: Why do you say that?
Him: Well they are taking away the phrase, "that's so gay" it's a perfect phrase to describe something stupid, now I can only use it around my brother.
Me: OMG! We're not allowed to say, "that's so gay"? No wonder I got so many dirty looks at pride!
Him: You really do get me! :.)...
Me: That's so MAGA of you... straight boy!

 I think that I just invented a new catch phrase... "that's so MAGA of you"! Seriously lol, that does instantly describe a negative agenda and the type of people who believe in that agenda. If someone says something racist, to show displeasure you would say, "wow that was so MAGA of you" and it works for prejudice against religions and homophobic comments as well! It's perfect because as soon as you say "MAGA" you suddenly have visions of the negative groups that go with that movement. It would be a perfect insult because if you're intelligent, you wouldn't want to be associated with that movement... and if you are less intelligent, you probably would take it as a compliment... and that's so MAGA!


  1. "That's so MAGA" -- my new favourite catch-phrase!

  2. What do you have against making America great again? Are you one of them socialists who wants America to remain mediocre? Also little old ladies need something to take their minds off the sniffles, so you (and Sixpence) were probably doing them a favor. ("favour" for Deedles)

    Now Maddie, let's not stigmatize.

    1. Lurker, mediocre is better than on the brink of disaster! Maddie is probably worried if they are contagious, actually they are, you can get them even though your screen!

  3. Hahaha
    You're welcome, Steven. Hey, as Lurkie said, those little old ladies could use some diversion. Sniffling away is not pretty.
    And 'That's so MAGA' is gonna be my new insult. Yep.


    1. Sixpence, it wasn't all bad, three of them fainted so I got to move up three spots. Hahaha!
      I'm going to start using it around here, I need some cool millennials to start using it also to catch on!

  4. Just what us suffering Americans need, more derision from up north. Sure flaunt your sexy PM while we suffer with the orange turd. Your day will come Steven. And when the US annexes Canada as the 52nd state (after Puerto Rico, if they desire statehood) then we’ll see how smug you are. 😜

  5. I once had a co-worker who pulled the 'That's so gay.' to imply something is stupid.
    I just looked at her and said, 'I don't sday 'That's so gay,' I say 'That's so Southern Baptist' cuz that means stupid to me.'

    She and I rarely speak now. i'm good.

  6. HuntleyBiGuy, sometimes Canadians talked of joining with you guys.... but not now!!! Finally the younger Canadians see how wacky you guys can be!

    1. Wacky doesn’t begin to cover it.

    2. HuntleyBiGuy, maybe the cool American people should split and join Canada!!! ;D

  7. Bob... lol I would totally understand you if you said that to me. However MAGA takes in all bigoted groups... so from now on.. I suggest you use that! See I just put a plug in for my catch phrase. :D

  8. Gay warts? You've been reduced to kissing gay toads or something?

  9. Deedles, well at least I'm getting some action right? :D

  10. "That's so MAGA" is utter perfection. This is something I can use on my brother. I do love you so much, Steve.

    1. Leanna, lol use it on your brother, is that the one who comments on your blog?

  11. My, you wrote a very nice unblog.

  12. Well your "nothing" post, turned into something. I always learn something when I read one of these something about nothing posts of yours.

  13. Johnmichael, thank you, glad you were able to get something out of it. I love Keane!
