Sunday, December 1, 2019

It's December! Say Whaaat?

 What I should do is make a bunch of wreaths out of that dang blasted tree that came down on my shed. A neighbour with a really large tractor came and was able to lift the tree and then push it off. There is damage but I will probably wait until spring to fix it. I was lucky in how it came down near a support beam, it could have gone completely through. Where is a herd of beavers when you need them.

 I received my first Christmas card already on Wednesday. It came from sunny Puerto Vallarta, a gay friend of mine retired last summer from the government. Apparently he left at the beginning of November and isn't coming back until May, sweet!

 I love getting Christmas cards but I never think to send them out so each year I get less. I think my favorite is the funny ones, I was in a drugstore the other day, snickering like crazy over funny Christmas cards, yes my life is sad at times but I'm having fun.

 I wasn't able to meet up with gay friends today because of the snow fall warnings. I had my curling this afternoon which is only fifteen minutes from the farm so I wasn't worried about missing that. We were supposed to meet up in the city later on after my curling but I cancelled. It's 9:30 p.m. and there hasn't been one single snowflake fall yet, I would have been safely back by now, grrrr... typical!

 As a gay man I have to admit I love the festivities of the Christmas/holiday season, once I became mature enough to take all the stress and negativity out of it, I can embrace the cheerfulness and fun of it. I just scaled it back to what it used to be, people didn't spend Christmas shopping in a mall in my grandparents day. They knew how to have fun, I've heard the stories!

It's coming people, accept it! :D


  1. Lots of Canadian gays and lesbians go to Puerto Vallarta in the winter -- it's a popular hotspot!

    1. Debra, I did not know that, explains why he keeps returning there year after year. Pack your bags and let's go! :)

  2. You won't find a herd of beavers anywhere. You might find a herd of deer or alpaca or elephants, but if you are looking for several beavers you want a colony.

    So it was your shed that was attacked! That makes sense now. I presume you will deal with other recalcitrant beings on your property, and turn it into soup.

    Did you pick out a funny card for J. Gray's contest?

  3. Lurky poo, I know it's colony but herd sounds funnier, I do have an entertainment business to run here!
    You did read the part where I never send cards right?

  4. I did not read that. I read that you never THINK to send cards. But now you have thought of it so you should send some.

    1. Okay so email me your address and I will send you a Christmas card or holiday card. :D

  5. I favorite queen and acquaintance Hedda Lettuce goes to Puerto Vallarta. From November till may too.

    And you know I love Christmas....right behind our Thanksgiving. I love your peaceful.

    1. Maddie, one of my gay joys in life are drag queen names, Hedda Lettuce sent me into giggles, of course that was manly masculine giggles.
      Thanks for the lights comment, I'm following mom's tradition of blue lights because she said they look peaceful against the snow. That picture is last year, I haven't started yet this year.

  6. Oh how I'd love to be able to go to Puerto Vallarta for a month!
    But alas, work calls.
    And you started getting cards? Sweet! I think you should send some. I always do.
    Love the lights!


  7. Sixpence, I have never been there... so when are we going :D
    Thank you for the lights comment, that was last year. I'm trying to think of something different this year.

  8. Sure!

    Bwthyn y Llan ,
    Cwm Road,
    North Wales
    LL 18 6EF UK

  9. Sure... in your dreams (fantasies) Mrs John Lurker Gray.

  10. Whaaat? Well you told us to say it! My herd of beavers isn't called a colony. It's called my sisters :) So concludes my off color remark for the day.

    1. Deedles... well I guess I deserved that... hahaha! Bad Deedles bad!

  11. Replies
    1. Dave, yes I curl and I would just like to say I'm excellent at it, unfortunately I can't say I'm excellent at it but I "would" like to say that! My team won again this week so we are not the worst!

  12. Maybe I live there. How would you know? Maybe you should send a Christmas card and find out.

  13. Old Lurker... oh wow! Are you one of the bulldogs? That would make sense, you must be the new one.... the one that he has to keep an eye on.

  14. My DEAR grandmother too loved all blue lights for the same reason.

    We do seem to have a lot in common Steven. It's scary. Both Steven, both gay, both cute, both born in October, both Scorpios, both love animals, both close to mom, both hate winter, both good in bed...….

    1. Maddie... maybe we are clones, of course everyone knows who the evil clone is!!! ;D
      Except I'm a November baby.

  15. Deedles, I am the most humble person that you will ever meet anywhere in the entire world! I am the world's greatest person at being humble that you will ever see in your life!

  16. I'm way more humble than Steven is. But I am not as good in bed.

  17. Lurker, well practice makes perfect! :D
