Sunday, December 8, 2019

My Drive of Shame.

 It's 3:00 am and I'm almost home, like the "walk of shame", I'm on my drive of shame home lol. I was at a gay Christmas party, unfortunately there were a lot of bisexual guys there and all they kept wanting to talk about was... ewww.. uuugh... yuck.. icky... hot women. Actually there wasn't a lot of guys, most didn't come so my evening was "meh". Still I did enjoy myself, some pizza, movies and socializing is still better than staying home.


  1. I hate when men don't come. But it was a Christmas didn't handle any balls?

  2. true, you got outta da house. maybe your next adventure will be better.

  3. It's called live and learn, not a drive of shame at all. There are 2 types of 'bi' guys, those who see hotness in both genders, and those who are only 'bi' where they're super horney and there are only guys around.

  4. You need to have Maddie teach you how to safely cruise truck drivers on the interstate highways.

  5. At least you got home before the sun came up. I've many of those drives only the sun was up the other drivers were headed to church.

  6. Ok let me apologize for those dorks. Obviously they were not aware of the biguy etiquette that says “when in the company of hot gays, it is your responsibility to appreciate them and learn all you can about pleasing men.”

  7. Now, now. Let's not judge other people's kinks. Hot women can be appreciated in a completely dispassionate manner. What do you think fashion designers do?

    Nonetheless, it is good that you are getting out in the world, and it is good that you had some fun socializing. As Maddie notes, getting men to come does not have to be the point of these social gatherings.

  8. good for you for going! Yes you made the right choices.
