Friday, December 6, 2019

Gay bowling? Oh balls!

 I recently joined another LGBTQ club, they have a large group of people and do different social events together. One event coming up in the next week is gay bowling, well actually it's just bowling with gay people but gay bowling sounds funnier. Bowling is something that I have always wanted to try, I have just never had the opportunity. I figured since I already do curling, I should give this a try. If I like it, maybe I'll take it up as a social event. It will get me out with the gays, such a fun bunch. I wonder if we will be using pink balls. Maddie stop giggling!

 Speaking of balls.... there's one thing about running with the gay crowd that I'm not crazy about. It's considered to be polite in gay male society to shave our balls. Okay now Maddie you can giggle. That's right, what many of you straight people might not be aware of, many gay men shave the boys. No... I'm not going into the why, you can probably guess many of the reasons but it happens.

 Some guys must have a sack of leather, shaving doesn't seem to bother them. Some even enjoy doing it. Me, on the other hand have skin like tissue paper down there. It's ball torture and not the fun s&m kind. When I'm done, the bathroom looks like I have performed surgery on myself. After sitting in a cold water bath (to put the fire out... well not a real fire, it just feels that way) the stinging lessons. I can't help thinking about those aftershave commercials or home alone... aaaaah!

 What we do for beauty, this wasn't in the handbook that I got with the toaster oven. To be honest I have been holding back on you guys, what can I say.. I'm shy and private about certain things. I carry with me now what I call my gay sex backpack, all the supplies for safe and erotic male fun. I'm meeting up with a relaxed bunch of guys and things are going to get friendly, not too wild but extremely friendly. This is me accepting and enjoying my sexuality now. I'm only telling you this because I don't want anyone to think I'm just sitting up at the farm alone. I'm being gay and to be honest, gay is fun.


  1. Welcome to the Club..for whatever its worth.

  2. Go get waxed. Since you've become so 'loose', do you also keep a cum rag in the car? Actually Steven, I'm very proud of you.

  3. heh heh heh, you said "balls".

    OK, just cause other guys do it, doesn't mean you HAVE to manscape. if it pains you, DON'T DO IT!

    many str8 men tell women, "oh you gotta shave your legs, you gotta wear makeup and perfume, you gotta wear such-n-such clothing, etc." FUCK DAT SHIT! I didn't do ANY of that and I've been with the same guy for 28 years now. point being, you do you and FUCK EVERYONE ELSE'S OPINIONS!

    enjoy bowling; I used to do that many many years ago.

  4. Steven, twinkiepie, not every LGBTQ+ social activity has to be done in the nude. You are allowed (even encouraged) to wear shoes while bowling, for example.

  5. I have never gone bowling. WeLL not true. I have gone for social hour, drinking, insult comedy, and usually throw the ball, and loft it, and get yelled at by bowling alley attendants. I think a bowled a 25 once. I haven't gone back. Beside the shoes totally don't match my outfits.

    And Jimmy rises a good point. Keep a cum towel in the car too. Take it from me, you never know when a impromptu grocery shop will turn into a flirtish game, and end up in the back seat in a far corner of the parking lot.

  6. This entry is a bit nuts... if you know what I mean.

    We used to have a gay roller skating night at the Enola Skatathon until it was phased around 12 years ago. People just lost interest.

  7. If you like clean shaven balls, take a little extra time with it.If you don't there's no rule in the Gay Handbook that says you must be smooth as silk down there.
    It's what YOU like.
    I have been bowling.In fact :::::NERD ALERT::::: when I was ten I won a trophy for a 7/10 split.
    A trophy,I say!

  8. @bob - a trophy for a 7/10 split, WOW! not an easy shot to make!

  9. @AM
    And I've never done it since!
    It's what they call dumb luck!! =)

  10. Go for it, Steven! Shave whatever you have to shave. I'm so proud of you!

  11. I loathe bowling. My mother was a league bowler and had trophies all over the house. She was very competitive and tried to teach all of us how to do it. My sisters love it, I, however still suffer from her degrading tearing down of my wimpy little ego and nonexistent self-esteem. Plus, one feels kind of naked and exposed while taking aim. I must admit, though, I enjoy watching Balder Half do it. His form is that of a flicked chicken but he enjoys himself.
    Who ever decided that we need to shave everything should be shot on sight! Why? I love a hairy man. The only reason women shave ( I do have to trim my mustache and beard since they can be distracting),is because Gillette wanted to make more money so he made up a need and women fell for it. Balder Half shaves his head because it's neater than looking like a well tanned Bozo the Clown (did I mention that BH is a redhead?). He has compensated by sprouting hair on his back, ears and nose. As for genitalia, babies are hairless, grown ass people aren't, unless it is natural for them genetically. Just keep it clean and let it all hang out! I shall shut up now. Have a nice weekend, pookie.

  12. If you choose not to shave, add dental floss to your dating kit.

  13. I'm glad you discovered gay is fun.

  14. I like bowling, though it’s been years since I’ve been. The nice thing about it: you can drink while you play. Cheers! And enjoy the social aspect of it.

  15. Manscaping as it is called seems to be the latest ad trap to get men to buy and do things they need not do.
