Saturday, December 28, 2019

Just me or...?

 Is it just me or is anyone else in shock that soon it will be 2020!?! That freaks me out every time I hear someone mention it! Honestly it feels like we only just had the Y2K issue five or six years ago, you remember... the jets were supposed to fall out of the sky onto your roof at midnight. All the little babies born that day will turn into twenty years old men and women... yikes... no seriously YIKES!!!

 Also double yikes because if you were a teen in the eighties, then everything to do with the eighties will start to turn forty! All the songs, tv shows, movies, books and gadgets that came out in 1980, will start to turn over as 40 years old. Nothing says over the hill like your favorite memories being over that hill!

 I need a nap, this is too stressful to think about... oh wait a minute, isn't that what old people do... meh screw it... I'm having a nap, cup of tea or rocking in my rocking chair, whatever the heck I want to do... so back off whipper snappers! Seriously though 2020! 2020! Unbelievable, where did the time go.


  1. Z E N O S Y N E.

    Teen in the 1980s? Whatever, whippersnapper.

    There is an entire generation of kids who grew up in the shadow of 9/11 but never experienced it themselves (just as there is a generation of kids who lived under the Vietnam War, and WWII, and ...)

  2. Lurker, well maybe in your case, a teen in the 1880s??? Yes true every generation has a marker, it's just that 2020 seems so far into the future, it sounds like we should all be driving spaceships.

  3. My shock today was Mt St Helens eruption was 1980. Seems like it was ten years ago.

  4. Jimmy, yes same here, I remember watching it on the news, if you asked me how long ago the eruption happened, I probably would have said twenty years ago. I never would have guessed forty. I mean ugh, umm, ahem... I wouldn't be born for another five years after it happened. :D

  5. made me just think that not only New Years Eve is next week, and another years ends but so does a decade!!!!! Shit , we better hurry up and get married....or just go to the honeymoon night.

    1. Maddie... yes to the hornymoon... oops sorry, naughty spelling mistake, I mean honeymoon, yes let's rehearse that part!!! ;)

  6. Yes I am freaked out and disappointed - we were supposed to be flying around like the Jetsons, not re-creating Fascist Spain.

    1. Dr Spo, your first point was funny, the second point is truthfully scary!

  7. Hopefully in 2020 our vision for our country and planet will improve.
    See what I did there? 2020? Eyesight?

    Okay, I'll stop.

    1. Bob, yes I saw what you did, and you are trying to convince us that Carlos is the silly one!

  8. IKR!
    and stuff from the 60s turns 60.
    (shakes cane) now git offa mah lawn!

  9. I remember dancing at the Starck Club in Dallas in 1980's. I saw a Grace Jones concert there. She's now 71. Where did time go?

    1. Richard, time went with my energy... out the window!

    2. Richard, time went with my energy... out the window!

  10. Replies
    1. John, and now the New Year's baby is knocking at your door!

  11. This time of year publications do their “in memoriam” stories. It surprises me how many are only like 10 years older than me. When did I get so old.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, make room for me because I think I'm moving in soon to Olden Town!

  12. To me 2020 is just another year... well, maybe a little woah because I'm going to be another year older. For us south of you, our last 3 years have shit so I'm hoping for an improvement.

    1. Dave, we in the rest of the free world are hoping for an improvement in your political situation as well!!!

  13. It is hard for me to fathom that the year 2OOO was twenty years ago! As for the eighties, my sons were 2 and 3 in 198O so of course that whole decade is a blur. I have visions of fuzzy clothes and big hair, ugh! I find myself thinking, so and so died and they were only 9O. *Sigh*.

    1. Deedles, you hit the nail perfectly, 2000 was twenty years ago, to be honest that frightens me.

    2. Deedles, you hit the nail perfectly, 2000 was twenty years ago, to be honest that frightens me.

  14. I know. I cannot believe it is already 2020.

    1. Michael, yes it sounds like a mistake but unfortunately it's not.

  15. One more thought, taking naps, rocking in chairs and drinking tea is a lot more satisfying than snapping whippers or bopping teenies.

  16. Deedles, well said, now as Anne Marie said, git off mah lawn, and turn down that blasted music. No wait... on second thought I can't hear it, turn it back up... how can I complain about your music if I can't hear the crap dag nabit!
