Friday, December 27, 2019

Down come the decorations!

 Okay I decided to take down the decorations even though I said people should leave them up. Here's the only thing I had up inside the house.
 Yup... that's it, one sad little lone Christmas card. I never think to send any out and I guess everyone gave up on me this year... so I got just this one. I have nothing else up inside so I decided to toss the card yesterday, effectively taking down all my inside decorations... lol.

 One of my neighbours was missing my Christmas trees, inside and out. She's having a hard time at the moment so I put up a tree outside on Christmas eve, I knew she would be surprised to see it later on her way to mass. She thanked me for the thoughtfulness, she instantly knew I did it for her.

 There little Christmas tree, banish the darkness, let some joy into my friend's heart, let her know she is often my light so I am giving your light to her as a gift in return.


  1. Putting up your outside tree for your neighbour was a wonderful gift of friendship, Steven.

  2. that was a nice gesture. if I had your address, I would have sent you a card.

  3. That was very nice of you, I'm sure she was touched.

    That's for being an awesome human. I'd also grope you, but I know Maddie would slap me.
    You're too cool.


    P.S. This year I sent eight xmas cards and so far have only gotten four back. I also changed address, so there's that. But really. I send the cards because I'm thinking about them. If I get any back, that's a bonus.

  5. Yes, please post your address on the Internet so we can all send you Christmas cards next year.

  6. I'd have sent a card if I had your address, and I might have helped you put up the tree for the neighbor! Sweet!

  7. What a great human being you are. I’m sure that gesture totally brightened her day. A little effort on your part reaps tons of rewards. 👍🏻

  8. I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I actually did a tree this year, a real tree. Our friend Maddie inspired me. I have to admit it was fun.

  9. As others have said, would gladly have sent you a card as well. We don't send out many usually and didn't send any this year. I love that you decorated a tree outside just for her. That's a kind gesture that the Universe will return to you when the time is rights. Hugs and Merry Christmas (belated).

  10. That is a very nice story Steven. It's a good reason to decorate. If just one person enjoys it and makes their season happy, then it is worth it. You never know who you may brighten with lights or decorations.

  11. Cali Boi, I think you just wanted to tell people I talked you into getting it up.

  12. I was saddened not to put up a tree this year - first time ever! - but when I come home I will be relieved not to have to take it down.
