Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Very Keane on this CD.

 Now that I'm old and grumpy, there are not many new CD's, albums or whatever they are called these days..  that I will actually go out and buy. I'm usually buying older albums or replacing worn out albums. There was an exception this week, I have been waiting for the new Keane CD (Cause and Effect) to arrive. Yes I know many of you will sit up in your rocking chairs and say, "who's that? Some kind of crazy young whipper snapper music"? Yes but they are soft rock so no screaming guitars, most songs won't startle you.

 It was a fellow blogger who told me about them years ago when I first started blogging. Seems that a lot of the non dance gay crowd are fans. I had already liked some of their songs but kept forgetting the name. The albums "Under the Iron Sea" and "Hopes and Fears" remain some of my favorite top twenty albums in my life.

 Unfortunately the lead singer was quietly battling mental illness, he tried to help himself without the aid of doctors, never good. Keane faded away, I think they broke up. Finally the guy got help and reunited with his family and band. Many of the songs are painful because you can tell the words are personal to him.

 Have a listen, this song "thread", it is the one that I love most from the album at the moment, don't worry it's a soft song, it shouldn't frighten the elder readers. I love the simple music to it and I love how they have real lyrics unlike most songs today. Hope you like it.


  1. Lmaoooo
    The elder readers? You are gonna have Lurkie come for you! Haha
    And Keane is cool. I didn’t know the lead had issues! Such a pity. Painful songs are the BEST.


    1. Sixpence, you deserve the title you get, every time I post about music certain people complain about the noise! Lol

  2. This music would be nice with special brownie.

  3. Jimmy, well you have come to the right place, Canada will be opening "special bake (baked) shops soon. Now see, that wasn't so bad... although you like Pet Shop Boys so you don't qualify for old fart membership.

  4. And Jimmy is right...a nice edible would go nicely with this piece. The song. Not your ass. Although, I'm sure a edible would be nice with that too.

    1. Maddie, I prefer the top bunk at sleepovers. Lol

    2. HuntleyBiGuy, don't encourage Maddie lol. Sorry I missed this comment.

  5. I kinda like it. Maybe even more than the stuff that whipper-snapper sixpence posts. 😎

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, good if you enjoyed it! I think sixpence is past his whipper snapper days, maybe whiplash or bad hip days now. Hahaha!

  6. It's a little bit too whiney for my tastes. Yes, I have tastes! Sure it has lyrics, but the poor man needs to enunciate. Since I've never partaken of recreational drugs of any kind, I'm giving that as a reason I don't like certain songs (not old age). I'm going to go out on a limb and say this probably isn't the type of music to listen to when you're depressed.

  7. "Video unavailable". I guess Youtube did not want me to be frightened. Too bad for Youtube I found another version.

    Grumpy I will agree with, but old? You have a lot to learn, young man.

    1. Lurky, actually old wasn't directed towards you, I don't really remember you complaining about my past videos, so you are one of the cool kids here!

  8. It is rather soft (as you say) and plaintive. Not the sort of thing I listen to, but then I only play music when I'm in my car and when I'm riding the bicycle. I rarely play old music, I get enough of that at work...

    1. Dave, don't you already have two strikes against you? Are you trying to push me, LURKY fact check that for me please, I'm sure I gave Dave a warning already!

  9. I'm not much for the music, but the lyrics?Yes, please.


    1. Bob, okay old man.. but just wait till next Halloween!

  10. Elderly readers? Really? I'm still a hard rocker without the rocking chair, thank you very much. No, really I love all kinds of music and will listen to anything. I like this very much and I'm going to go check out any other music they have on youtube.

    1. Leanna, nope I know you are cool. Excuse me for a second, I'm changing my favorite people list. "Now I move Leanna up a few spots, make room by moving down"...

  11. Thanks for posting this. I have always liked Keane. I didn't know they put out a new album.

  12. Maddie I'm just going to read the "I like Keane part". Lol

  13. You have given Dave many warnings. You will just have to accept that he has better taste in music than you do.

  14. Michael, here's my boy, let me give you a hug, see people... my favorite blog child! XD hahaha!

  15. Steven, you are a fickle little bastid! Michael does seem to be a little sweetie, though, and well deserving of your oh so biased favoritism.

  16. Deedles, just like Dave, I'm putting you on notice as well, this is your warning, do you want to become my second favorite woman in all of California? No... I didn't think so.
    =[ muahahahaha!

  17. Babycakes, you'd better learn to respect your elders up in here! Don't make me pull out my neck action!

  18. Yes ma'am. :( grumble grumble Deedles grumble grumble not the boss of me grumble grumble my stupid blog grumble grumble should be my rules grumble grumble picking on me grumble grumble.

  19. Now that's enough, mister! You're a nice ginger, don't get an orange attitude!

  20. This boy seriously needs a good, huh, spanking...……..

    1. Maddie, now really... we both know who has a more spankable cute wittle bum bum! ; )

  21. I forgot Lurky, better taste? He listens to Korn, that's not even a good side dish!
    Thanks for the research, now where's that coffee you usually bring me... and yes like we discussed, shorter mini skirts from now on Mr Lurker.
