Friday, November 8, 2019

How did we do?

 I noticed that when I want to dress up and need a white t-shirt, most of mine are pretty shabby now, I only have about three that look nice-ish, the rest are potential window cleaning rags. Off I go to a certain large store that I won't name but it rhymes with "call tart", no Maddie I wasn't trying to get your attention (lol). I know many of you hate that store but it does have really great deals and it's the closest to my work.

 After I made my purchases, the machine asked me, "how did we do, please fill out the questionnaire and send in your answers". Again at the top of the bill, was a big, "tell us how we did"? Well let's see, first you cut costs by removing floor staff so I have to find everything on my own, second you also cut the people that stock shelves, so I had to keep from tripping over piles of merchandise on the floor. The Leaning Tower of Gatorade cases certainly didn't look safe around children. Then when I finally get what I needed, you reduced the number of cashiers... on purpose so that there are huge lineups and you can encourage us to supply you with free labor by having us check out our own purchases. You want to even charge me for the bag.. pretending that you care about the environment when it's really about you finding a way to make us pay for your business costs.

 Well.. back to the question, so how did you do? I think you sucked since I did all the work, you did terrible, I on the other hand was absolutely fabulous!


  1. My call-tart is just fine. The pharmacy cashiers all know my name and are a lot of fun. Meds are cheaper there and I've never seen an obese man or woman with bellies hanging out from beneath their shirts, weighing down scooters, tottering as they reach for the Little Debbie's cakes. It's fun to watch online though. I enjoy shopping without people messing with me but I can find help if I need to. I even had a little girl ask me "Sir do you need assistance getting something?" She was devastated to find that I was female. I think the lipstick may have given me away (this was a while back). Now, I've had people following me all over the high(er) end stores as if I was going to grab something and run. So, different strokes for different folks.
    Have I been banned yet? Will this do it?

  2. I haven't been in one of those stores in decades. Amazon is the way to go.

  3. Anne Marie, hymns, the church of Calltart??? Is the motto, we worship cash?

  4. If Calltart is evil, Amazoff is the Anticrust!

  5. who said evil??? That over the counter cold medicine you are on must have a high alcohol content.

    1. Jimmy, sorry no you didn't say evil, others did. I'm not on any meds for a cold lol.

  6. No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No I don't go to Walmart.


    Or, as they call it in Smallville, The Walmart.

    1. Bob, I do like a man that makes himself clear on a subject, message received!

  7. It's a good thing you are not getting Maddie's attention, because if he finds out where you have been shopping then he might call the wedding off.

    As for your customer experience: if you want the lowest-priced T-shirts you have to pay for it in other ways. I am too old and curmudgeonly to do self-checkout, and I only use cash, so sooner or later I won't be able to buy anything from any store.

    1. OL, well if nobody tells Maddie then he's never going to find out now is he.
      That's the catch right, if you want low prices, then expect a race to the bottom.

  8. No Wally World for me. I’ll drive six more miles for the nearest Target if I have to.
    They exploit their workers and drive small businesses to bankrupt.
    No Wally World. Ever.

    Now, we need pics of you in tight white T-shirts.


    1. Sixpence, yup they are snakes in the grass aren't they.

      Sure I'll show you a picture... right after you show us one of you?

  9. Like most of those commenting, I don't do Walmart either.

    As for Self-Checkout? I love it! I am so much faster than those damn clerks who slowly scan your merchandise. Sometimes they feel the need to chat you up in an attempt to provide good customer service. Me? I just want to pay my bill and get out.

    1. Dave, I think that's done on purpose, slow cashier, because then you give up and do it yourself. Yes I prefer to do it that way now for small amounts items.

  10. Apparently Wal-Mart have bought our "Asda" stores. They are a mean bunch to work for according to my cousin. It's all about optimizing profit and never mind the staff.

    I cannot bear all this "How did we do?"

    1. Christina, I personally have heard nothing but bad experiences from people who worked there.

  11. Yes I despise that store!!!! They put out of business all the nice local owned and ma and pop shops, where one does get service and they all know your name.

    And business that say they protect the environment are not if they use the plastic bags. USE RE-USEABLE BAGS!

    1. Maddie, plus I would imagine you never get to play with their mannequins?

  12. Deedles, you always crack up me!!!!!! That story is priceless. I think from your little picture your so adorable.

    The other day I went through a drive thru for coffee and I was informed,"Please pull around miss, your total is $5.45." $5.45 for coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's this world coming to?

    1. Maddie, at $5.45... that coffee better be served to me by a shirtless house boy!!!

  13. I haven't stepped into a "calltart" in over a decade and hope to never ever again. I guess they are fine for certain things that no one else will stock in their stores because it clashes with their store brand. I send David to "calltart" because I can't find the Magnum ice cream pints in the flavors that I love at my local HEB. "Calltart" carries them. The HEB only carries three flavors of Magnum Pints because they clash with their Swoon brand. Screw HEB.

    1. Leanna here they are getting rid of a lot of clothes and only carrying their own line of clothes. They always look like something made out of old pillowcases!

  14. I live near the second busiest calltart in the U.S. It can be a madhouse. It's also a super calltart so it has a grocery store attached to it. It try to avoid. Next time you need a white shirt check out the selection at J. Crew. They have an untucked shirt that looks good for business and play

    1. Richard, you had me at J.Crew! I just feel oh so pretty in my J.Crew clothes! :D

  15. Hey Stevie, I'm taking my Walmart loving, house/club music, keane hating ass out of the blogosphere for the rest of the year at least. Just thought I'd leave this here because, for some reason, people worry :) I'm fine, just cyber detoxing. Love ya!

  16. Deedles, thank you for telling me (sniff, sniffle, sniff). No I'm fine, just something in my eye. People worry because we love you and your wacky sense of humor, plus all those grandma hugs. I think however, cyber detoxing sounds awesome, sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't do something like that. I wish you all the best, hopefully hear from you later???

  17. Sweetpea, I'll still be reading my favorite blogs (yours included) from time to time. I can't go cold turkey. I just won't be interacting with the peeps for awhile. Life happens and I have to make room for it.

  18. Deedles, thank you again, yup I totally understand and support you! I kept some extra grandma hugs in the cupboard in case of emergency so don't worry I will be fine. Plus... I'm not crying.. YOU'RE crying! No just kidding, I think what you are doing is healthy.

  19. Oh no, Deedles! The rest of the year?? That is like two months!

    Okay, fine. Steven is right. A digital detox is probably good for you. Having said that, now I am scouring my brain to think of what thoughtless thing I did to scare you away. Regardless, we'll miss you a lot. I will try not to worry.

  20. Old Lurker, you know... an internet detox might be good for you, give blog commenting a rest maybe??? Nope.. just pulling your chain buddy, no pressure but the comment silliness is all up to you now buddy!

  21. Yes, I am considering a permanent vacation. But the last time I took a break you got mad at me!

  22. You prose is so enjoyable even buying camisetas (as we call's around these parts) is fun reading.
