Sunday, November 24, 2019

Don't kiss me Smokey!

 The one cultural thing that takes me some getting used to about gay society, is the habit gay men have of kissing each other. It always has to be on the lips and after hanging around for awhile and having a few drinks, they want to slip you some tongue... eww. There I said it... ewww, or I actually I really mean YUCKEEEEWWWWW!

 Okay I have been getting used to the kissing and once I start to know someone, it does feel like an intimate way to say hello. However, HOWEVER, if you want me to kiss you... stop smoking!!!!!! Yuck... lick an ashtray much? Chewing gum and using mouthwash makes it taste like licking an ashtray with some mint added in!

 The problem now is many gay men follow the trends of either smoking an expensive cigar to relax or smoking pot. I don't care, you can debate me all you want, smoking is smoking is smoking to a non smoker. It's an automatic turn off to me. You can't hide it and it can't be good for you. You sweat smoke, your hair smells of smoke, I can taste it in your mouth even if you haven't touched it today. It's a stale bitter taste or smell.... and it always makes me think of death.


  1. To think...I was going to give you a huge hug and then kiss you for a greeting. But if you rather not.

  2. I like the kissing thing
    Need to do more of it xx

    1. John, of course you wouldn't mind the kissing, you kiss your dog's on the lips and look how they clean themselves!!! Hahaha! Just teasing you John! ;)

  3. I have never observed this casual kissing on the lips, and I hope never to. Kissing is gross.

    1. Old Lurker, once you step into the realm of gay, your lips touch all sorts of weird things!

  4. Yes sir, smoking is a no go. As for the kissing? They're just checking your tonsils.

    1. Dave, sometimes I think they are checking to see what I had for dinner!

  5. I'm a hugger and a cheek kisser. Lips are reserved for Carlos.
    And if you smoke, maybe I'll give you just a polite wave.

  6. Wait a minute. Isn't greeting people by kissing them on the lips a French thing and not a gay one?

  7. French kiss on both cheeks not the lips. Shoving their tongue down your throat is French kissing... lol.

  8. Ok, men kissing is a huge turn on for me. But that’s usually in the context of romantic kissing. I don’t have a problem with the quick peck on the lips as a social greeting. And like you said to Lurker, in the gay realm our lips have been in a lot of different places. Dogs have nothing on us. 😉

  9. HuntleyBiGuy, yes that's what I worry about, what were they kissing earlier??? Hahaha!
