Monday, November 25, 2019

Being pursued... feels great!

 It's one month until WHAT??? I wanted to get my kitchen painted before Christmas. Unfortunately with temperatures turning freezing cold, me getting a cold and other adventures, it's now or never, so I'm choosing never, lol.

 On the weekend I met some new people, nice guys but no one in particular that caught my attention. Apparently I caught someone's attention however. There was a guy there that kept subtly blocking everyone else from sitting close to me. He constantly positioned himself between me and the other guys. At first I thought it was just my imagination but I began to watch his actions and he was definitely friend blocking the other guys. Later as the party went on, he was "concerned" about my long drive home and offered me his spare room, a couple of times actually. Then as I was leaving he left also. As we were walking to our cars he said something I thought was cute. Again he offered me the spare room, then he awkwardly said, " umm or... if you want, you can always sleep in with me". I thanked him and said I was fine to drive home. He is not really my type of man, unfortunately and I never felt any attraction when I first met him, that's always the way it seems in life.

 Yesterday I received a message from him on the site we belong to, it was polite and mostly about how he enjoyed meeting me. No one has ever contacted me before so the message means something. I don't want to lead this person on so I have been very cool with my responses. Still, I have to admit that it feels really nice to be pursued, makes me feel young again, makes me feel attractive. If he keeps it up, I may not be able to resist.


  1. Oh how awful for you. It must be a terrible burden being beautiful.

    If the guy really is that far below your lofty standards can you at least let him know that you are not interested explicitly, instead of leading him on? Do you want another James situation here? On behalf of ugly people everywhere I urge you to be upfront.

  2. Lurker, don't hate me because I'm beautiful!!! I kept politely turning him down at every turn, I don't want to be a bitch about it! He is not below my standards... he's a very smart, well raised man, he's just not my type and you can't force a relationship. However it's not a complete shutdown, if he keeps up the mating call, it will soon be hard to not answer.

  3. I agree with Old Lurker. It feels nice to be pursued, however, be fair. Let him go. At least let him know that you just want to be friends. Don't be coy, be kind.

    1. Johnmichael, I thought you went straight or joined a convent, where have you been?

  4. You hussy! Were you manspreading again?

  5. Message him back and say, "It was nice to make a new FRIEND."
    He should get the message.

    1. Bob, I did say that, no messages since so maybe he understands but I find men don't listen to what they don't want to hear.

  6. Hate you? Why would we hate you, Mr "Men keep falling desperately in love with me so I break their hearts instead of painting my kitchen"?

    1. Lurker, in fairness to me, these same men usually say that they are NOT looking for anyone, so I don't see it coming until it's too late!

  7. Haha ohh Lurkie is coming for you!
    It IS nice to be complimented by a man but things get shaky when we don’t reciprocate. I agree with Bob. Let him know in no uncertain terms that it would be awesome to have him as a friend.


    1. Sixpence, I find it ironic that Lurky is often my conscience speaking to me. He's not as wicked as he thinks he is. Everyone loves to be put into the friend zone! Lol

  8. Send him a "hi, guy." Friends are great, types change, the rigid path is one that leads to loneliness.

    1. Dave, my type of guy is a vast spectrum of types. There are a few types of men that are a turnoff. I seem to attract them.

  9. I agree with Bob and Sixpence about making it clear you are only interested in friendship. I didn't realize you were so good looking, have I missed a photo somewhere? I suppose you are used to folks falling for you!

  10. JanF, I did keep turning him down politely and I did send him a friend message, all is quiet now so I guess he understands.

    Hahaha, no I'm not good looking, these guys are just being silly. I have often overheard people saying negative things about my looks, once even, "he's too skinny eww yuck" so I don't have an inflated view of myself. I'm just too nice at times and need to be firmer in saying "no" to guys.

  11. Oops, Lurky, your comment was deleted. Tehehe! :D

    I never put pictures of myself up here!

  12. Okay, I'm back. It's a good thing I never did drugs or overdid alcohol, I never would've gotten through rehab! Now, whatever happened to getting to know somebody first and then becoming attracted to them physically? Was that just me? Missed you guys.

    1. O.O
      Deedles.. I was thinking about you all day today!!!! ME MISS YOU!!! X( whaaaaa!
      Ok I'm good now, welcome back! :D

      I was thinking about doing posts to try and trick you out of hiding!

  13. Steven missed you a lot, Deedles. As you can see he has taken an authoritarian turn and is oppressing the masses.

  14. Lurky, hahaha, you understand why right?
    Darn... there was something I wanted to ask you and now I forgot... anyway I will get you later.

  15. Oh I understand your vendetta against me. But poor Huntley? He did not deserve your persecution. Tyranny! Tyranny, I say!

    1. I feel so so bad..... about HuntleyBiGuy and he never returned so I have no idea what he said, I hope he didn't take it personally.

      OH!!!! I just remembered what I wanted to tell you!!!! Lol, I'm so so so sorry Lurky buddy, I meant to come clean with you days ago and forgot, there is no secret blog, I don't have a second blog. I was just teasing you because I knew it would drive you crazy if you thought I had a second blog. Even if I did, I would never be so mean as to mention it here and not invite readers.... yes even you Lurky, you're important to me.

    2. I’m still here, reading almost every day in my quiet time before work. Unfortunately, work has been a demanding bitch, but she pays the bills. We’re all good, my man.

    3. HuntleyBiGuy, good that we're all good!!! :D

  16. Oh dear lord! I must be a major masochist, coming back here! Lurkster, Steven's Canadian, how tyrannical can he be? Really? I must admit, OL, you held up your end quite impressively. I'm so proud of you. I won't go into the mental picture I just gave myself.

  17. Oh how I missed that one of a kind sense of humor!!! Deedles I'm hugging you right now. Snuggle, snuggle, cuddly grandma hugs! : )

  18. Nice try, Steven. I know you have a secret something, even if it is not a Wordpress blog.

    Deedles: if you think Canadians can't be tyrannical you should read up about Maurice Duplessis sometime. (Interestingly, the backlash against those days is being used to justify xenophobia there now.)

  19. Lurky... lol... oh nooo, I hope you weren't spending hours scouring WordPress trying to find my secret blog. Actually I'm laughing at the thought of you doing that... hahaha, no I shouldn't do that.. wait, hahaha sorry buddy but you are your own worst enemy! I actually do have a second blog but it died when my dad died. Before you get excited, it was about raising chickens... yes the real things. One interesting thing about it was this young handsome guy living in Whales used to leave comments, he is a gay nurse.... remind you of anyone???

  20. Deedles, pay no attention to Lurker, anything bad about Canada is fake news. We have always held hands across the country and sang beer drinking songs about hockey and the maple syrup run.
