Saturday, October 19, 2019

You better sit down for this.

 My next big adventure is this evening. I have been planning something for two weeks but I haven't been blogging about it because that might put pressure on the situation. This way if I backed out, no one would know. However I am excited about doing it. I am boring, I know I'm boring and I wanted to do something completely out of my comfort zone. So tonight I'm going to an all male Halloween party. A new friend told me about a group of guys that seem to be cool.

 We are expected to dress up (there's a huge joke in here). There are restrictions on the type of costumes, basically you can cover part of your face, head, arms or legs but keep it to a minimum. Well I know it may sound odd... but not if you are going to an all male nudist Halloween party! Yes I'm serious, no I'm not joking.

 Well you have to admit this is really "out there" for me and I want to do it. It's just guys hanging out (no pun intended) so it's not Sodom and Gomorrah. Some bloggers have known about this, I needed backing. Actually it is not as stressful as I thought it was going to feel, hopefully I will enjoy myself. What do I say, "hello, nice to SEE you"! Wish me luck.


  1. Uhm, there's no middle ground with you, is there? Well, have fun and let it all hang out :)

    1. Lol Deedles, this cracked me up, I totally wuv you. I wanted to shake things up (no pun intended) plus I always hear nudist are really laidback cool people.
      Anyway it's 3:40 and I have almost made it back home, my drive of shame lol. Just so nobody worries, I had an amazing time, I can "barely" contain my happiness. :D

  2. Proper grooming is key. Have fun!

  3. It's a trap! Naw, just kidding. Have a good time and dress up accordingly.

  4. I had some gay male friends in Winnipeg who held nudist parties all the time like that. They certainly seemed to enjoy them. Have fun!

  5. Manscape, clean the nooks and crannies, and go have fun.

  6. Oh my word! Can't wait to hear how this turns out! I wonder if you will run into someone you know, like your mailman or your lawyer?

  7. HOLY SHITSNAX! that IS daring! have a good time!

    my friend sassybear sponsors nude gatherings in his home ( another nudist blogger is

  8. I hope you enjoy yourself too. Tell us all about it when you get back, and if you do more than just "hang out" then play safe.

  9. I too hope you have a marvelous time.
    Just for going and mingling will be success enough .

  10. Come to think of it, I think you are pulling our collective leg again. You had best post pictures of yourself in costume as evidence.

  11. Adds a whole new meaning to apple-bobbing.

  12. You could have sold tickets! I'm sure your readers would love to join you. Have fun and don't go scaring anyone!

  13. Yay!
    Ohh this sounds like tons of fun! I’m ready to read your thoughts about it!


  14. I just wanted to let everyone know that I read and enjoyed all these comments. Sometimes I think that I'm funny, but you guys nearly make me wet myself laughing.
