Friday, October 18, 2019

Trapped in a restaurant.

 This week has been a really gay week for me. Meaning every day there has been interactions between me and the land of gays on some level like there hasn't been for years.

 Let me get this part over with immediately. I met with the guy who is partly disabled for supper this evening. The post was thumbs up, thumbs down. I'm not going to waste any time trying to write a thoughtful post. What a horrible, horrible person. He didn't look anything like his picture, I saw some scraggly guy looking lost and he called my name. When I went to help him into the car... there was a strange odor coming off him, not a human smell, like some chemical.

 Once we got to the restaurant and sat down, his true personality immediately came through, he hid that well. I was embarrassed to be seen with him in about one minutes time. Everything that started to come out of his mouth was like a bad Jerry Springer episode.

 He is probably one of the most negative, rude, crude, foul mouthed, bitter people I ever spent time with. If he wasn't disabled, I would have left him there before the waitress even brought us drinks. I kept trying to change the subject from his "poor me" attitude. He went on and on about how hateful his family is, how everyone abandoned him since becoming partly disabled. The truth is they abandoned him because he is hateful and from the stories he told, sounds like he was always hateful.

 I couldn't finish my meal, I hurried him up, he was actually making me feel nauseated, he's really gross as well. I certainly didn't see the evening going like this! I thought either I would make a new friend or I might find a needy person that would be too clingy. I never expected him to make me feel like I am trapped in a restaurant and dying to escape from this really classless person.

 I drove him home, he asked me if I wanted to come up, I think my skin crawled in seven different directions, I said no thanks. On my way back to the farm, I formed his rejection letter in my head.


  1. Well at least you won't have to look back at a lot of regrets and what might've beens. You may have escaped the clutches of a funky, foul, disabled serial killer! Enjoy your weekend, sunshine!

  2. What's that thing John Gray says about kissing frogs?

    I'm sorry you had such a terrible time on your date.I hope the things that come out of your next date's mouth are from better Jerry Springer episodes. I think you did well by taking a chance and going out on a date instead of hiding behind your phone screen. As an added bonus, now you know what it would be like to socialize with me.

    Honestly I thought this was going to be one of those blogs where you wrote critical things and then took it back afterwards. What do you want to bet that he falls desperately in love with you like all those other guys?

  3. Also: what were all the other gay things in your life this week?

  4. You did your good deed. I don't think there's really a need for a rejection letter. This guy will never stop blaming the world for his problems. By the same token, I suspect his family is pretty much the same as he is. We have people like that in this country, we call the Republicans.

  5. Good for you for going in the first place. And what a sad person, but no one can help him. You are well out of it although I agree with Lurker that he will be madly in love with you. Good luck with that!
    Cheers Peter

  6. And you got a story out of it!
    That's a plus.
    That said, I hope you had a Silkwood Scrubdown after the fiasco,
    Just sayin'.

  7. ew ew ew! this person has to love himself before he can love others, and he sounds like he's not at that point. perhaps he will never be there. you owe him nothing.

    move along smartly to the next person.

  8. Sorry it was so awful, Steven. Don't let this bad experience stop you from meeting other people.

  9. Boy, you really set the scene.

    I feel as though I need another shower now, but I have guest to soon be here.

  10. Oh, Icky. I was really hoping you'd at least make a new pal. Good that you tried though. You only have to get lucky once!

  11. There are some people you can't help or fix. Cut and run. Revisit the land of the gays so you can find a new dinner companion, or a companion for other things.

  12. Like Deedles and Mistress Maddie said, good for making sure you'd have no regrets and WOW, have you ever considered writing horror movies?

    Next time, go for drinks for a first meeting. Dinner takes way too long. And the bad dates do make the best stories, so there's that, too. When I lived in ew York I was too naive to know to never date an actor, but it didn't take me long to figure that out. Who wants to listen to someone talk all night about how they memorize lines and how they once had a part in a Sylvester Stallone movie? I'm glad I can look back now and get a good laugh. One day, your date with this creature will be funny, and you can make your husband laugh by telling him all about it.

  13. Even after this nightmare, just remember the right person is out there looking for you. Keep going.

  14. I agree it was good for trying. One never knows. Even a bad experience provides meaning for use.

  15. Ugh. Some people are just gonna be horrible no matter what. But -and that’s a big but- because this guy was so horrible you should not feel discouraged. Nope.
    It does take sometimes two or three frogs before the prince, baby.


  16. Thanks for all these supportive comments. I couldn't help thinking that the odor off him was the formaldehyde that he was keeping all his bodies in!
