Friday, September 20, 2019

Worthless Opinions.

  A straight friend of mine stopped in the other day for a chat. He is a few years older than me, a super nice guy, in fact if a little fairy godfather hovered down from the rainbow and asked me what kind of man I wanted, I would say a gay version of Fred. I was surprised to learn a few years ago from his mother, that Fred suffers from depression and break downs. I was completely shocked, he seems so calm, a down to earth type of person. I had no idea.

  He was talking about it with me the other day, he sheepishly admitted to having to take drugs to combat some issues. He said that he needs the medication to function properly. He also mentioned how at least now the stigma of mental illness is lifting, that people, especially men, can talk about it now. He said it's upsetting that some people still dismiss mental illness, they say "just get over it" or "there's nothing wrong with them, they just want attention".

 The odd thing is that, this in a way reminds me of my being gay, people said the same things about gay people. Once upon a time I wanted everyone to like me, I wanted them to accept me. Now however I don't care.. as in I really don't care because I think people like that are stupid and are choosing to remain stupid. I find the people who are bigoted towards LGBTQ people, mentally ill people, immigrants or unbelievable, even mentally challenged people, are against them because they are too stupid to learn anything about people from these groups.

 The result is, I genuinely don't care what they think, to me their opinion is worthless. I also don't want them around me because I find when you talk to people like this, they are so negative, bitter and hate filled, they say ignorant things that make you embarrassed for them, sometimes you even feel sorry for them because they don't realize how dumb they sounded from what they just said. I don't need these kind of people to like me anymore.. I just need them to go away and stop buzzing in my ear.


  1. I never feel sorry for the bigots, xtianists or repugs. Ever.
    I don’t go out of my way to tell them they’re the scum of the earth, but I will, if needed. They’re worthless black holes of negativity.
    And we never know about others and their struggles. Remember what I posted about that guy who seemed to have it all and still...


    1. Sixpence, that's one of the surprising things we start to find out as we get older, everyone has issues, even the people who seem to have everything together.

  2. There is a certain group out there who need to judge because of their belief system. This is how the make themselves feel superior. They love to say it's "for the greater glory," of something other than themselves... which is odd because the power they think they have makes them so happy inside. We need to start telling these fools to just shut up.

    1. Easy Dave, many of them are still upset over the round earth!

  3. I have the same problem with people that I thought were my friends. They keep telling me to snap out of it. I suffer from depression because of my pain. Really? Snap out of it sounds like I should find a better friend. I did. Don't fret over their stupidity, just leave them in the dirt. Having great friends that stick with you and help you when you need them the most truly the bomb. We need understanding, not someone that will blow you off. Sorry sweetie, wrong choice of words there

    1. Leanna, nope I don't worry about it now, that's what I was trying to get across to my friend. For him not to worry either. Good for you in finding new friends.

  4. Few people if any dislike me because I'm gay
    They dislike me because I'm a gobby git xx

  5. Oh Lurky buddy, that's a little TMI. There's a difference between caring about what someone thinks and being careful.

  6. Anne Marie, well they can all F.O.A.D those stupid loser mudder flockers!!! Whoa! Where did that come from, you're becoming a naughty influence on me! ;) lol

  7. John, I suspect you could be a handful.
