Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hanging out with ABBA.

 My frustration has been notable lately with not finding my "posse" to hang out with. I guess it's an age issue now,  most people don't want to hang out after thirty five. One thing about coming out that has surprised me is how nothing changed for me socially. I always thought that my awkwardness and being a loner was because of my hidden sexuality. I believed that once out, I would find a group to hang out with. Turns out nope, I'm just socially awkward.

 When I was a kid and always on the outside looking in, I used to fantasize about being friends with ABBA. They were the most beautiful people I had ever seen. I had to learn about Sweden, I was excited to know that they grew tall blonde beautiful people over there like we grew corn.

 If the people from ABBA were my friends, everyone would be so jealous, they would be extra nice to me because then.. they would know how important I was, if ABBA liked me, there must be a good reason.

 We would hang out and talk about how much I loved Fernando, how at the time it was my favorite song EVER! Then I would surprise them with how well I could sing, (before puberty stole my voice), nodding their heads in agreement, the angelic blonde woman would tell me how it just all makes sense for me to join the band on tour as a backup singer. Well after all as she would point out, I already know most of their songs. Of course once on the road, they would all suddenly realize that I was too good to be just a backup singer, and I should sing as a third singer with the ladies.

 They would be really nice people because they just looked so pure, compared to all the hairy, sweaty hippie singers left over from the sixties. They would look at me as a little brother. We would travel around the world and perform in big stadiums. During the week of course I would have to go to school but sometimes on a Friday afternoon, a limousine would pull up in front of my school and all four tall Swedes would get out (dressed in white, they were always dressed in white) and start waving me to join them in the car. Laughing I would pile in with them and we would drive off to our next adventure. The kids at school would be dumb struck and envious. They would want to have my adventures, they would want to be like me, they would want to be friends with me.


  1. Wait. Are you telling us that you AREN'T personal friends with ABBA? Why do we read your blog again?

    As for a posse: listen to Bob. He says your posse is out there and you just got to go find it. You probably won't find it hiding behind a screen. Do you have some fun weekend plans yet?

    (Also, don't you have a curling posse now?)

    1. Old Lurker, I don't know why you read my blog, I always assumed I did something horrible in a past life and you were sent here to punish me.

      I have other posses but they are straight, I want some gayboys to sit around with.

  2. If only we lived closer...…. The things I could show you, and you me.

    I LOVE ABBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They make everything better. You've now inspired me to take my greatest hits on the commute tomorrow.

    1. Maddie, lol I have no doubt you know all the good haunts.
      There is a line in Muriel's Wedding that goes something like, "I wish life was like an ABBA song.

  3. maddie is correct, you know. move down here.

    NO ABBA EVER on my blog! (can you tell I'm not an abba fan?)

    1. I dont know Steven, can we overlook this one imperfection in Anne Marie? It's not natural to dislike ABBA.

    2. Anne Marie, that's ok if you don't like ABBA, everyone has their faults! :D

    3. Maddie, she could lose her FH card, I have alerted "the gays" and they recommend six months progation!

  4. OMG I always kinda thought the husbands were into each other. And yes! They were always wearing white!
    I have to say that even with all the dismissal ABBA has suffered since the seventies, they are still a mood.

    Can you hear the drums, Steven?


    P.S. come to the states. Spend a week with Maddie and a week with me and you’ll NEVER be the same. I’ll show you a posse.

    1. Sixpence, hmmm I never felt the guys were bi curious, more like brothers. Everyone always said they don't like ABBA and yet they sold millions of records and mamma mia sold out for years, then became two movies. Someone other than me has to be going lol.
      I bet you and Maddie could show me a gay old time! Lol

  5. I am THAT gay who doesn't care for ABBA, ABBA songs or even A 's and B's arranged that way.

    And I'm sure you'll find your people and, heck, they may even let you SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh look, another Steven!!!!!! Not Bob too!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Bob, no.. don't even.. just no.. that's so wrong. I read once about a gay man who didn't like ABBA but I didn't know it was you.
      Trust me Bob, nobody would remain friends with me if they heard me sing now.

    3. Maddie, you know what to do.. and remember to take back the toaster oven as well. [Folds arms and stomps foot.]

  6. I have adored ABBA ever since I first heard "Waterloo" as an adolescent. Never fantasized about being friends with them though, so you clearly have more imagination than me.

    1. Debra, hey welcome back! Waterloo is a great song! I was a weird little kid! : )

  7. I thought that you were gay. Why would you want to hang out with a, oh wait, you said posse. Never mind! I love Fernando, especially Cher's version. I also like Dancing Queen, but that's as far as I'll go with ABBA.
    I hope that you and Maddie really do meet up one day. It would be FABULOUS!!!
    By the way, I identified with Helen Reddy's Angie Baby. Look it up and you'll know how freaky I was.

    1. Deedles, how confused will you be if I post about cats. Well.. you asked for it. Even just one ABBA song and we're good lol. I googled the song, yes you have issues but we already knew that, lol. I liked the song, I'm going to check out more of her stuff.

  8. Maddie, Anne Marie and I don't have to like ABBA, we're straight. There is, however, no excuse for Bob! Give him forty lashes with a wet whatever!

    1. Deedles, you're hanging out with gay bloggers and mostly male gay bloggers, but anyway you like some ABBA so you're golden.

  9. Now listen here Deedles. I have to plain and simple rule lambchop. Everybody has to like ABBA and NO ONE can wear the c -word. And not cocks, but sounds like it.

    1. Maddie, give it up.. crocs look ugly but are soooo comfy wumfy.. get yourself a pair, feel the comfort on your tootsies, come to the dark side Maddie, it's calling your name.

  10. But Maddie! I have to wear the c-word, I'm female you know. It comes with the package. Oh, wait. You mean the shoes. My bad :) I like two songs and the Mama Mia movies, does that count?

  11. Deedles, yes it counts, you're in! It's all good, we're all good.

    Wrong c word, sounds like rocks, not runt. How did we get here?

  12. Replies
    1. Maddie sweetie poopy homey pie, are you seriously going to give me a hard time for loving my crocs? This from a man that wears high heels and a bra? As they say honeybunch, "come to the dark side.. we've got cookies"!

  13. Listen to Steve, Maddie. Crocs sound a whole lot more comfortable than high heels and a bra, not to mention those tight little undies of yours!
    Steven, how did we get here? Do you know who you're talking to? Should I go back into hibernation mode?

    1. I will suffer the pain babies. After all beauty is pain.

  14. I am pretty sure that Maddie is not optimizing for comfort. He is optimizing for glamor.

    Don't go back into hibernation, Deedles! We forgive you for your opinions on ABBA and on Crocs. If J. Gray can be a sexy beast while wearing Crocs then so can you.

  15. Lurkster, I've never worn a Croc in my life! I don't mind ugly if it is comfortable, but those things look like they'd make your feet sweat. Ugh! I just like to get Maddie into a lather :) I hibernate this time of year because of depression. I've lost many family members during the next three months, and a good friend just died Sunday, adding to the gloom. I'll come through, I always do.

  16. ABBA... ABBA? Oh, no, give those hot, hairy men of rock and roll, with their shirts unbuttoned down to their waist, and and those tight jeans that revealed more topography than any map ever dreamed of in heaven or earth..... ABBA?

  17. Dave, but I was a good little boy, those sex, drugs and rock'n roll guys just wouldn't be fun for me back then. Plus I would be afraid of them.

  18. Deedles: despite Debra's best efforts, we are having a reprieve of warmish weather here. As soon as the mercury drops so will my mood. I understand your hibernations but we still miss you. (And my sympathetic thoughts to you about losing another friend.)
