Saturday, September 7, 2019

Ok fall, you win.

 I have been holding off turning on any heat in the house. I wanted to see how far I could get without using the furnace. This fall has been like a typical fall that I would have in my childhood.. cold. Last week I had to close up the windows some nights and also yesterday during the day. Last September was so hot that I guess I have been paranoid about keeping the house cool. I was bracing for the 80+++ heat, but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen. We have had a number of frosts already, not strong enough to kill plants but it's getting close.

 Tonight however I had to give in, I had been away and when I got home, the house was freezing, there has been no sunshine the past couple of days to warm up the house and I turned on the heat. The main reason is the dampness more than just the cold. At least I made it to the second weekend without folding. This also means I better start cleaning off the garden, it's easier to have everything still growing outside but Murphy's law dictates that some night when I have something important to do, the news will start warning about frost destroying the garden. This usually has me picking tomatoes by flashlight in a panic.

 The leaves are changing, the geese are flocking, the night air is nippy, yeah summer has left the building.


  1. We are still in the throes of Summer, using the AC most days, though nights and mornings are cooler.
    I am so ready for Fall; not so much heater weather, but that kind of weather where just a window open does the trick.

  2. Bob, everyone is always arguing about pipelines, maybe we should have one to send you down cool air, while another one sends us warm air, uh, uh? Good idea yes? ;D

  3. Honey, I'm still sleeping nekkid with the doors and windows open and several fans blasting away all night! We never use the ac or heater at night. I think, as beautiful as your pictures are, I would be in a constant state of depression if I lived up there!

  4. Deedles, you could make like a goose and fly south for the winter.. just put clothes on, you never know what could be flapping if you are nekkid! :)

  5. Snow has been known to fall in September here but it doesn't look like that will happen this year given there has been record breaking high temperatures this past week. Stay warm!

    1. Richard, I will not be surprised to see snow by the end of this month. However with climate change, I would not be shocked if it suddenly turns around and gets warm again. It's after noon here and the furnace just came on again.

  6. It has been 95f all week here. Then there is the humidity that you can cut with a knife. Please send your cool weather in this direction.

    1. Jimmy, humidity ugh! I have empathy for you friend, humidity drains me of all energy.

  7. Stevie, flying takes too much effort! So does putting on clothes, for that matter. Just you never mind about my flapping parts! When I get to going, I can cause cancer just like all the other windmills out there.

    1. Deedles, this sounds like a nursery rhyme.

      Hey Deedles Deedles
      You're a cool cat Mrs Deedles and I think you will fly south really soon. However I dread but it must be said, that I think you just flashed me a moon!

  8. Come visit now where it remains 40C and the AC is going nonstop.

  9. This is all Debra's fault.

    I am going to have to find something newer and wittier to write soon, but for now I am still pouting. I thought we would be spared for another month at least!

  10. Dr Spo, let me know when you get to 33c. Hey at 40 that's brutal for a Canadian.

  11. Old Lurker, oh I forgot about that! Yes this is definitely Debra's fault. However you do realize then that she is a powerful witch that must not be offended. Which I would never never do because Debra is the absolute best.. all powerful.. all knowing.

  12. I don't think you need to be a witch to summon evil into the world. Who amongst us has not inadvertently invoked a demonic entity in the world? I bet Debra is cackling, though -- she is sitting on some tropical beach sipping some fruity drink and cackling about what she has wrought upon the rest of us.

  13. Lurky, you may be right about calling up darkness. How many times do we say something like there's not a cloud in the sky or the cake is almost done it looks perfect, don't worry this car never breaks down or Mexican food never gives me diarrhea... and then blammo.. disaster strikes!
