Friday, September 6, 2019

Fried chicken has me boiling.

 I read today that they opened a "chic fil a" in Toronto and that they are going to open fifteen more. I am well aware of who owns them and their activist agenda against the LGBTQ community. That felt insulting, that felt like invasion from the American religious right. To add insult to injury, the lineups were apparently huge, I have never felt so betrayed by fellow Canadians. Even worse people camped out overnight, others waited up to twelve hours to get in. There were protesters who chanted "shame" but it didn't affect the people waiting to get in.

 Some people said they didn't care, they just wanted chicken, others said that while they don't support the owners views, buying their fried chicken isn't a show of support. Really??? Supporting that business gives them money to carry out their anti LGBTQ agenda, if that isn't support.. then what is? I have to cool down, honestly I shouldn't expect any form of deep thinking from a person who waits in line for twelve hours just to get a chicken sandwich!

 This also demonstrates to me that in the eyes of society, we still don't really matter. We are tolerated and now it's cool to have some gay people around, we have funny sayings, we do drag shows and we have fun parades. Other than that we are not thought much of. I say this because imagine if the owners said racist statements or anti Jewish/ Muslim statements. Especially in Canada, there would have been riots in the streets. If they were working to suppress people of color, I can imagine rocks going through the windows, people wouldn't want to be associated with that restaurant, others would be afraid to go.

 I was looking at the people lining up to get in. Fried chicken typical people, the kind of people who would be better off ordering a salad. Ooh... I'm so pissed, I'm going all mean girl! One woman kept saying, "I want some good fried chicken, I want fried chicken, I don't care, I want to eat", well honey I grew up on a farm and I can recognise a cow when I see one. Who the f#k.. did your hair by the way, next time tell them not to use the lawnmower. Typical Wal-Mart look for most. Such an accomplished for the people who stayed out overnight... to eat fried chicken, I'm sure your parents must be so proud of you, especially since you are probably living off them because the rest of us were sleeping so that we could go to work the next day.

 The franchise owner said he wants all people to feel welcome in his restaurant, then he should have invested in an inclusive franchise and not a bigoted one! That would almost be like the kkk forming a chain of restaurants and trying to encourage people of color to eat there and feel welcome there.

 Today boys and girls our special word is "boycott", I generally don't support boycotting a business but they go beyond just having views different from mine, they are a threat to the LGBTQ community. What is it with all these billionaire right-wing evangelical Christians? I remember my bible and it's page after page after page warning people not to become addicted to money, in fact it says you can't serve both god and money. The LGBTQ community is hardly mentioned and even then it's not the way right wing-nuts would have you believe, it's funny how they focused on us but not the money part. How do people who want to believe the earth is flat, get so successful at business?

 Just seeing the logo feels offensive. Crispy cream donuts failed in Canada, we are usually better eaters than Americans and customers found the product too rich and fatty. I hope this will be a repeat, I hope the restaurants fail, most people I know don't go to Popeyes or KFC anymore. I hope they are sent back across the border.


  1. intelligent people boycott h8-fil-a-holes down here.
    the ignorant wallfart types continue to go.

    1. Anne Marie, that would be one way to accomplish a boycott, if going there made a person look like a loser.

  2. They opned "one of those" here in Smallville and I call it Chic-fil-Hate and when people ask why, I tell them, and when they say, like they said to you ...
    "others said that while they don't support the owners views, buying their fried chicken isn't a show of support."
    I say, loudly, "Where in the hell do you think they get the money to fund their anti-LGBTQ agenda? If it was Nazi-fil-a would you still go because you wanted chicken?"
    And I end with, "Get the fuck outta here."
    Ignorance riles me up.

    1. Bob, exactly... if it was pro Nazi or kkk, other than the dumps, would people want to be seen going there!

  3. I don't know, man. I respect your right to boycott Chic-Fil-A if you feel strongly about it, but demanding everybody else to join in (and mocking those who don't based on personal appearance) makes me uneasy. One of the reasons we avoid war is because commerce glues people of different ideologies together. We become economically dependent on each other.

    Secondly: why boycott this chain in particular? Yes, LGBTQ+ concerns are going to be pretty popular in this crowd, but there are a LOT of companies doing awful things, and the advocates for those groups are probably just as ticked off that you indulge them. (Nestle comes to mind, but there are many others. Canada does not exactly have a good reputation internationally because of its mining operations -- see Homer's latest blog post for an example of this. I happen to think that those concerns (regulatory capture, the effects of tailings ponds, trampling of indigenous rights) matter at least as much as gay rights for Americans.

    Thirdly: the people who choose delicious chicken over gay boycotts are not necessarily homophobes. I do not feel comfortable with that kind of polarization. It strikes me as being similar to the PETA argument that anybody who eats beef must hate cows, which probably does not ring true in your part of the country.

    On the other hand, we heard many of these same arguments back in the 1980s when people were defending doing business with apartheid South Africa.

    1. Old Lurker, why do you always have to be a dink! No I'm kidding you. I don't care if the owners belonged to that type of religion, I still wouldn't go to the restaurant but there is a difference between what they do and say in their own home and church, compared to trying to force their beliefs on us. They crossed that line, they must accept the consequences. We can worry about peta and all the other groups after basic human rights are looked after first. Plus gasp, Canada isn't perfect? I love when Americans or people in other countries trip over the dead bodies left by their countries, to point out a duck fell into a tailings pond. I'm not telling people to make a list and track these people down, I'm just saying don't go.

  4. I will not eat at Chic-Fill-A. Another one to avoid is Cracker Barrell. Why would Canadians patronize an American chain when they should be supporting locally owned restaurants? I'm sure there are plenty of fried chicken choices owned by locals who don't service Chicken with a side of hate.

    1. Richard, fried chicken is on its way out. Homemade is best, the rest is just gross.

  5. Forget about the overrated chicken joint, sunshine! Today, Sept. 7, is National Salami Day! Celebrate accordingly. I'm going to eat a big one!

    1. Deedles weedles bo beedles, as a gay man there is no way you are going to get me to say that I'm about to try tasting a bunch of big salami. As they say in Star Wars, "it's a trap"!

  6. It's against my religion to eat at places that aren't open Sunday, so that boycott is easy.

  7. Incidentally, how did Lesbopalooza go? Did you get any good dating referrals?

  8. If your concern is basic human rights then you should be particularly concerned with Canadian mining companies.

    As for Chick-Fil-A, they apparently withdrew funding for anti-marriage groups after the controversy: What more do you need from them before they are absolved?

    1. There see! Look how powerful my post was, they changed their minds! Anyway what are you getting upset about, being bigoted paid off, they made more money. Wait for my new fried chicken restaurant, I'm calling it KKKFC.

  9. If they were the respectable kind of lesbians why were you hoping for Debra's advice? I presume from your answer that you did not even ask for dating leads.

  10. How would I know they were going to be responsible lesbian types, a fight could have broke out. I have already asked long ago, I keep telling you, lesbians only know other lesbians.

  11. Will KKKFC only serve white meat?

    It is not true that lesbians only know other lesbians. Your sister knows you, for instance.

    1. Old Lurker, yes it will only serve white meat but it's not racist, it's cultural and biblical from all the passages regarding staying away from anything dark.

      There are times when sis tries to pretend to not know me, lol. We are an anomaly of nature. I'm sure if I ask again they might be able to find me the right girl to settle down with. :P

  12. Robertson Davies wrote Canada has two great myths: The Myth of Innocence and The Myth of Difference.
    I see Canada is becoming just another USA-like country in its matters; this is too sad.

  13. Dr Spo, the innocence thing is a dream that the left came up with. Canadians had to be tough to survive the harsh climate. We also have a lot of war hero stories, we were not benign peace keepers all the time. There are still differences but both the American left and right are trying to shift us towards them. A lot of the opinions you may hear about have always been around, it's just that the internet has brought them out more. The upcoming election is a complete disaster with a fleet of incompetent morons leading all parties.
