Friday, July 12, 2019

Your cellphone suuucks!

 This evening when I came home, there was a message on my landline. Usually it's either not important like a telemarketer or it is very important and the person knows I will hear it for sure. However... for the love of Pete, if you're going to leave a message, make sure you have a good connection with a decent cellphone!

 Nothing worse than tonight's message, " Hi Steve, it's shzzzz burzz burzz, I'm here with dujjjugggge and if you coushzzshzz mamo nurma urp glomp I would appreciate zzzat, caw mm 613 7merff mupmup merfumfum ok? Thanks eeet aak aak.

 What the what??? Now they won't call back thinking that I will get a hold of them. With my luck I know for sure it's important. From the tone of voice it's someone who knows me but I can't place the voice and after tomorrow they will think I'm a little rude donkey's butt for not getting back to them. This will bug me all evening, fubbergunt!


  1. When you join the 21st century (okay, fine, the late 20th century) and get voicemail on your cellphone then it will show the caller ID. Then you won't have to worry about being such a rude donkey butt.

    1. Old Lurker, I have voicemail on my cell, they called the land line and ggshhhzz shzzz cantankerous old buzzshh buzzshh drive me nuzzerp zerp gerrp so that's why I was wondering about your cute booty.

  2. Lmaoooo
    Rude donkey butt it’s my insult of the day. Did you say landline? How quaint.
    And don’t worry. They’ll call back if it WAS important. Hehe. That description of the call was priceless.


  3. Anitia sweetie, a landline is a phone that always sounds clear and shhhurp beeezzzp geesump klopzz bold young pup umomff plumff over my knee zzziphf zzzipff bare bottom!

  4. Sixpence, yes landline smarty pants sssurrp fflouff not too old bbblurpp over my knee as well zeeputt blarb probably enjoy it klarp sooomet hahy hahy thanks for the nude pics!

  5. It amazing how companies have tricked us into accepting poor cell service. A dropped cell call is not big deal but if you're landline dropped a call you'd be calling for a repair technician.

  6. Richard, so true but also people in the country need to be extra careful since they are only starting to put up towers out here. Also shjjjshhhshh geezzzuc bezzztt hung like a horse!

  7. Replies
    1. Jimmy, lol was that you who left the message! :)

  8. Cute booty? Maybe it is not your cellphone reception that is fuzzy. Have you been toking again?

    I hope you are outside doing your chores. Later you can call up one of your buddies (James, maybe?) and go out dancing.

  9. Lurker, you're the one who said you were told that you had booty! James will never go dancing lol. I was outside until....

  10. OL, well that's not your fault but I hear you. I used to have major cute booty but it collapsed and fell through to the other side and became a tummy. :(

  11. who told you I needed a spanking? and im am I missing something with nude pics or horse hung men?

    1. Anitia, I just assume that you always need a good spanking. I think you probably have enough horse hung men, in fact you probably need to share!

  12. We have a landline I despise for the answering machine never has anything good/positive on it. I've been wanting to ditch it for some time.

  13. Dr Spo, it would be a betrayal to your generation if you were to ditch it!
    The darn thing rang this evening and caused me to jump, I forget that I even have a landline.
