Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Lost for.. umm.. umm.. words!

 Where to start, well in my own personal Mr Bean episode, a task that should have been simple, in and out in minutes, has turned into an event... like it always does for me. It seems some careless person entered their data wrong while doing their taxes. They used my government numbers instead and of course the fix is never as easy as it was for some idiot to create the mess in the first place, so now I will have to make extra trips and be under extra stress. My life is a Mr Bean episode, my life is a Mr Bean episode, my life is a Mr Bean episode... and I'm getting tired of it.

 I was at a place of business, in a cubicle with someone trying to help me clear this up, when I became annoyed by a client in the cubicle next to me. He was one of those guys that likes to talk out loud, thinking that others are marveling at the wisdom he is spewing out. I don't understand if he is so clever, why doesn't he know how rude he is being.

 Turns out he is some kind of pastor in a church, although you would never know it from the filth that came from his mouth. Long story short, it was the typical evangelical type of thinking, going on and on about homosexuals, homeless people, how other religions are garbage, gossiping about people he worked with and on and on. I was livid by the time he left.

 The thing that I hate is, I become so angry that I'm at a complete loss for words. I feel like every word wants to come out at the exact same time, my mind goes blank and I can never think of something sarcastic to jab the person with, hopefully embarrass them, although he's probably too thick to be embarrassed. Driving to work later on, I have a whole string of things to say to him and I'm yelling them at my dashboard. I want to unleash on him and hopefully make him look like the stupid lump that he is. Near the end he even said that he is a fan of the dump, why was I not surprised at all. You could tell the woman helping him was embarrassed and keep steering him towards his reasons for being there.

 Driving in the car I was just getting angrier and angrier, why should I have to listen to that in a place of business or anywhere in public. People like that need to be told to shut up, they can say what they want at their family kkk meetings but out with regular humans, they need to stay quiet.


  1. Has it occurred to you that this fellow may not have been a pastor, but was just a braggart?

    Sorry for using your government numbers like that. I had to file my taxes somehow! If I had known you would end up in a cubicle I would have used someone else's numbers instead.

    1. Old Lurker, from what I know of right-wing christians, he fits the role of pastor perfectly.
      I should have known it was you... but what's that entry you made... male exotic pole dancer, no wonder you keep saying your job doesn't pay well!

  2. It's past now. No sense wasting time on him. I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.

    1. Maddie, you are right, I'm over it. Anyway, we can't argue with stupid.

  3. Sweetie, don't let him set up house in your head.

    1. Deedles, good point, he received his eviction notice today!

  4. Same! The problem is that I do speak and usually end up in trouble.
    I think it’s your politeness that basically helps you not lower yourself to their standards. But it’s your morals what make you scream at the dashboard. Stupid, ignorant people think that spewing their hatred makes them powerful, especially when they know other people’s politeness will let them go uncontested.


    1. Sixpence, I just bet you get yourself in trouble... lol.
      Great comment regarding all your points, I agree!

  5. Same as Deedles. Not worth it.

    1. Jimmy, yes true, there is nothing that I could say to a person like that.

  6. The man has no clue. People talking loud on cell phones in public places are just as bad. You could have asked him to use his inside voice. That usually works for me.

    1. Richard, that's funny, makes him look like a child.

  7. Anne Marie said it for me , but she pulled her punches xx

  8. Steven,
    I am wired the same as you. I can never think of something witty or sarcastic to say, and then when I am away from the situation all of the jabs then come to me.

    1. Michael, another reason I wish you were closer, we could have tea and make fun of block heads like that!

  9. Anne Marie, yes punch the nazi! Lol, that should be a new Olympic sport.

  10. You're right. Those exotic dancers don't come cheap. Next time I should go for the mundane Polish dancers instead.

    I like Richard's comeback too. You could write it down on a card and carry it in your wallet.

  11. Old Lurker, nice try but it said that you were working as an erotic male dancer named Rod Steel! If you come to work in Canada, we don't have a one dollar bill so you better work on earning a five dollar bill! ;p

  12. Old Lurker, it was interesting to listen to, thank you. There are gay farmers around, I know a few. Most people don't care, even the few that are bigoted are of no importance because people who sell produce at the farm gate, sell to customers from the city and they have a more open mind about things.
