Sunday, July 21, 2019

Every body sing, "heat wave"!

 We are having a heat wave but up until tonight I've been enjoying it... lol! Even with the humidity, I think my system was still shell shocked from last winter and finally started thawing out. It's supposed to move on tomorrow and things will get cooler. I don't have air conditioning but usually the house cools down at night, not tonight as it's still 80° Fahrenheit outside. Can't complain as we will start to have frost in another four to five weeks. What happened to July? This month just seemed to happen in a blink!

 I'm not online much but don't worry nothing is wrong, a major cell tower that covers my area has been down since Thursday and so I can only get limited internet access at night, during the day and evenings I'm completely blocked, it helps with keeping my usage down lol!

 When it's this warm, it's strange how people smell, not like the regular body odor smell when a person is active or didn't shower, it's more like when a big hairy dog gets wet, ewww lol! I'm going back to bed now, I can feel a cool breeze starting to blow in the windows, all this lying around doing nothing has made me exhausted.



    1. Anne Marie, ummm you really don't want me to sing lol! :-)

  2. The highs have been in the tripe digits here too but I cold front moved in yesterday. It was 59 this morning when I got up.

    1. Richard, it's finally cool tonight, almost cold actually!

  3. It must have been a loooong time since you've been around sweaty men. Winter PTSD is a new one!
    Hot is something common here in SoFlo, but there is always a breeze on the East Coast.

    1. Jimmy, winter PTSD is a good way to describe my feelings of last winter!

  4. Stevie, have you been running around sniffing people again? Singing (and paraphrasing) at the top of my lungs: "You started this heat wave, by making your seat wave!"
    We're supposed to be getting high eighties to high nineties this week. I hate heat when I don't have a body of water to jump into.

    1. Deedles, you say that like sniffing people is an odd thing? I'm too old to jump in water now, don't like the sudden temperature change! That's so sad hahaha!

  5. It makes me laugh. Every year people suffer because they can't take the heat. They complain and cuss up a storm instead of doing something to cool off beforehand. I know how hot it gets around here. I endure the heat and figure ways to keep cool. The main complainers happen to be intercity dwellers. You would think they would figure different ways to keep cool if the power goes out.

    1. Leanna, I guess it's what a person can get used to, my last car the a.c. never worked no matter how many times I fixed it so I drove for ten years without a.c. ; however now I can't imagine not having a.c. in my car because I'm so spoiled by it!

  6. Five weeks?! FIVE WEEKS?!!!! No! No! Noooooooooooooooo!

    1. OL, I know right :( but that's life in Canada. I can't believe it's a month already since the days started getting shorter, I found July just went zipping by!

  7. I get to do the 'you think you have it bad' comment as it is 45C here.

  8. Dr Spo, but it's a dry heat! Lol, I got to say that! That's the trouble here, the temperature may read 36 Celsius but with the humidity it feels like in the forties. Imagine on a hot day someone ties a wet scarf over your face and you have to try and breath through that; however we don't have scorpions so you win! Lol!

  9. No. No. Nononononono. No. No. Noooooooooooo! No! No! No! No! Please no. No! No!! No!!!

  10. Old Lurker, either that or scorpions, you pick! :D

  11. Oh the heat was just terrible this weekend. It was literally 100 Saturday. And humid with no breeze in the suburbs. Ugh.
    I can’t take humid, stifling heat. It drains me. All I want is a shower and some cold drink.
    It promises to be nicer this week, though.


    1. Sixpence, yup... nothing ruins a beautiful sunny day faster than energy draining humidity. I have trouble breathing on days like those. However we are having beautiful sunny days with no humidity and cool nights, can't ask for better than that.

  12. The summer has been hot here in central Virginia. I helped my daughter move yesterday. It was 102 with high humidity. Yikes!

    1. Michael, that's a major yikes for sure! Saturday we were close, we had 97 here at the farm plus the humidity. I didn't even try to mow the lawn.

  13. IT'S NOT FAIR. San Diego doesn't have scorpions or winter! Why can't I live in San Diego?? I could go camping and see wild turkeys! Mitchell lives in Spain where there are no scorpions or winter! WCS the 4th lives in France where there are no scorpions and not much winter! Why do I have to deal with another eight months of winter??? WHHHHHHHYYYYY??? (Oh wait. I'm poor and can't move.)

    Fine. Scorpions. Just so long as there are no Republican crazies who want to take away my rights and lock me up in ICE detention centers.

  14. Old Lurker, you need to find a rich older man to take care of you.

  15. Older than what? John Gray is not interested, but he is relatively young.

  16. Old Lurker, older than dirt from the way you keep talking I guess! John Grey has too many kids.
