Saturday, June 8, 2019

Internet free day.

 In my battle to stay off the internet or at least, view it in moderation. Today was a really good day. I just checked in early this morning, again while eating lunch and now again at ten in the evening. I didn't fall down any rabbit holes either. I accomplished a lot early this morning and today in general.

 Speaking of the internet, I signed up for alerts on my email regarding all things LGBTQ, especially with it being pride month. Unfortunately it seems to be a dud, there were many things happening today, tonight and tomorrow. I didn't receive a single email over the last two weeks about anything. I suspect that I won't hear a thing until they want to sell something or need a donation.


  1. They may have thought you died.

  2. Replies
    1. Lurky, they should seriously hire you as the P.R guy, I'm not kidding, I was thinking the second I posted my complaint that you would come through with info.

  3. I have been staying off the internet too. This is my first time on all weekend. I guess that's a good thing, but now I have to pay the!

  4. Michael, I thought that maybe you had run off on a wild adventure with the other Michael. :)
    Anyhoo, staying off the net is good.

  5. Yay for you! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    I usually don’t check much online over the weekend (hence this comment coming in on Monday)
    You’ll see it gets easier to just do come scheduled checkups πŸ€“


  6. Sixpence, I scheduled you in so I can reply :)
    Sunday I did even better, I'm still on too much but I'm getting there.

  7. I do 'techless tuesdays' it has done wonders for my complexion.
