Thursday, April 25, 2019

Slow the heck down.

 This time next week it will be May, wow how did that happen!!! Didn't we just have Christmas (Solstice)?  Nuts! Sorry Maddie, did you just get turned on? Lol.


  1. I find the older I get the faster time goes by.

    1. Ricky, no kidding, sometimes I feel that I need to buckle up because time is going so fast!

  2. I'm telling you, kiddo, here spring is getting a fast shove out of the way. Summer wants to be a pushy bitch this year! We are not supposed to have ninety degree (F) weather this early! My allergies are getting worse, my head hurts, my feet stink and I don't love Jesus.

    1. Deedles, some days instead of spring, it's winter fighting with summer here. To your other points, take two Tylenol, change your socks and buy yourself a Christmas gift!

  3. Soon it will be Solstice again and the days will get shorter again. Then we will be back in W I N T E R. There is no escape.

    Careful, Deedles. If you don't love Jesus then Jesus might reciprocate, and we all know what happens then.

    1. Old Lurker, don't laugh but I realized that it's only four months until we are back in September and fall and frost and end of summer and cold and impending winter and me going whaaaaa cuckoo ding cuckoo ding!

  4. OL, that's just something my father used to say whenever anyone complained about anything.

    1. Deedles, well that's a new one for me. The older generations had a lot of strange sayings.

  5. I agree with Richard, the older I get, the faster times seems to slip by. It is sometimes scary.

  6. @deedles - duchess, my grandmom used to say that too.

    I LOVE NUTS! (pecans and cashews and mannutz)

    yep, the older you get, the faster the world spins (says the old fart).

    1. Anne Marie, I have applied for my "old fart" membership card. The exam was simple, I said I hate today's music, everything I eat gives me heartburn or gas and I can't hear a thing when more than one person is talking.

  7. @Anne Marie- Carebear, really? That's so cool! I've never heard anyone outside of the family say that.

    1. Deedles, or maybe we told Anne Marie to say that so you wouldn't feel like an odd person out. ;p

  8. This spring is hitting me head on. Because my allergies to pollen are starting.
    Yep, that's how I feel the passing of the seasons. Also, the sun is up at six in the morning and it's fucking up my biorhythm.
    Ha! you do know Maddie.


  9. Sixpence, I like the sun up early, darkness keeps me in a trance and it's hard for me to snap out of it. Yes I know Maddie, his dirty mind is what made me trick him into fake marrying me!

  10. Steve, my father was only twenty years older than me and he died two months shy of fifty-two, so it's kind of hard to think of him as an older generation person. He was from Kansas City, Mo. so maybe it is a Midwestern saying? As to the other, I don't do Tylenol, wear socks or celebrate Christmas, so I'm stuck :)

  11. Deedles, so that would make him in his eighties now if he were still alive, same as my parent's generation. They had strange sayings that my parents always said, even as young people in their thirties, that's all I meant. As for the other stuff... well I tried :D you're on your own smelly feet!

  12. Oh, sweetie, I didn't take offense. I was just being informative :) Writing tone is so hard!

  13. Deedles, tell me about it, sometimes people think I'm upset with them even when I put the lol after a sentence, the lol should delete any negative meaning a sentence has, I think that's an unwritten law some where! :)

  14. Zenosyne: the emotional sensation time accelerates as we age.

  15. Dr Spo, bless you! Oh sorry, I thought you sneezed. Yes I love that word and think of you every time I hear it.
