Saturday, April 27, 2019

A good kind of change.

 I was heading home one evening and soon became stuck in traffic. The scenery was beautiful however, I was sitting on a small parkway beside the Ottawa river, waiting to cross the bridge. The evening was warm and sunny, allowing me to roll down the window and hang my arm out while waiting. Something caught my attention on the opposite side of the road. Two young guys were walking along the bike path and they were... (gasp) holding hands!

 There they were, ambling along hand in hand, clearly they were a couple and you could see the affection between them. They were very ordinary looking guys, good looking but just the guy next door type, if they weren't holding hands, there was nothing that would say to me, "those guys are family".

 Sitting there watching them, I was a little envious of their PDA without hesitation, plus completely envious of the generation they get to grow up in. As they approach the light I saw something that was "nothing" but it was the most beautiful moment of "nothing". It was the way people around them acted or more precisely, didn't act. Nobody did a double take at two men holding hands, nobody pointed a finger or whispered into a friend's ear. There was a young woman jogging in-place waiting at the light, she just looked at her watch, a guy walking his golden retriever started talking to it while waiting for the light to change, a group of people kept up with their deep discussion over some topic. There were no sideways glances, rolling eyes back or shaking their heads, the male couple just blended with the group as they stood there waiting for the light to change.

 I remember feeling giddy and thinking society has arrived. Even the people in the cars around me, nobody paid attention, they were mostly trying to sneak in some texts before the light changed. Makes me wonder at what point in time it became ok for a gay couple to walk hand in hand with each other in this city. At what point did that stop being an assault on society and become what it really is, two guys who love each other holding hands. The light changed and I drove off smiling.


  1. Replies
    1. Good morning Deedles, yes awww, made me happy inside.

  2. It's been like that around here for some time. No one blinks an eye at same couples holding hands...just as in should be.

    And Ottawa???? You have no idea how many times I was that close to you? I thought I smelled your cologne lingering. I have always enjoyed Ottawa. Montreal was more me though.

    1. Maddie, so you've been sniffing around me? ;)

      Montreal is way more gay fun, Ottawa's idea of fun would be a gay quilting bee! Lol

  3. That's just as it should be. Hurrah! 😀

  4. sweet! and the earth keeps on turning. watch mayor pete and chasten hold hands; gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that they are free to express their love for each other.

    1. Anne Marie, I know what you mean, I can feel the love. Am I a horrible person for wanting to see a sex tape of them? Of course only after he wins the election... lol.

  5. My husband and I kiss in grocery stores. We also walk hand in hand on main street here as well as allover the town. I have problems with church ladies knocking on my door than walking down the street arm in arm with my other half. My new response to the church ladies is, "I'm part of the religious left."

    1. Jimmy, awww good for you. I remember the first time my ex and I held hands in front of people in a private setting and I remember the first time we held hands in public.

  6. That's going to be you one day. And someone will look at the both of you and think the same thing.

  7. Old Lurker, I knew you would point that out lol but this is a gay blog after all. Actually I thought it was funny that I was the only one paying attention.

    Think of the children! Think of the children! Will someone please think of the children! We can't have them growing up feeling good about themselves, society makes billions off of people being neurotic!

  8. Walter, people will probably say, "awwww look at that OLD gay couple". Lol.

  9. I came out in a much different worlds so it was heart warming to read this post. Sadly, there are still places in the US where people would react negatively to two guys holding hands.

    1. Richard, I remember what it was like as a child so I have an idea what your teen years would be like. There are still places in Canada as well that gay people wouldn't be able to hold hands in peace and even safety.

  10. Moments like that are what it's all about!

    1. Debra, did you ever think there would be moments like this when you were young? I had hoped so but it's beyond what I had hoped for.

  11. that was sweet, thank you for sharing such with us.

  12. About time!
    I do PDAs with friends and lovers. People need to get desensitized to demonstrations of affection, really. The 'think of the children' only counts in the minds of stupid xtianists that still believe their children don't have access to the internet. Poor delusional fools. I think it's sweet that you noticed that. The sooner love becomes more 'normal', the better.


    1. Sixpence, I remember reading about a gay man who got into an argument with a woman and asked her what if one of her children were gay, she said, "don't be stupid, kids can't be gay"! I was a gay kid reading that and thinking how ignorant she was.
