Sunday, February 24, 2019

Well... that was fast!

  Today was my last day of curling. I played a good game, I'm happy with how it went. Afterwards we had little prizes, awards and trophies, then there was an awesome potluck dinner, I couldn't eat another bite. I had a lot of fun over the last four months, plus I met new people and got reacquainted with old friends that I haven't seen in years. Four months, was it really that long? Feels more like only a few weeks, when I agreed to sign on back in November, I felt it was a long commitment until the end of February and yet here we are. Time flies when you're having fun I guess. I did okay, I need more ice time to practice, one guy who just started after Christmas, is already as good as people who have been playing for years. Some people just have a talent for picking up new things.

 Another lesson for me to learn... is the same one I have spent my life trying to overcome. For years two friends have been trying to get me to join curling. I was too shy, too afraid of embarrassing myself. I gave it much more importance than it actually had. I have no self confidence when it comes to new situations. Now I truly regret not trying the sport sooner, I have wanted to for years. Even if I tried it and sucked, then what...  I could have just said thanks but no thanks. Even better, this league would have said, "don't worry, just come out and have some fun". The people are all very easy going, nobody takes themselves too seriously. Interesting as well, there are people of all ages and all skill levels. Fun is fun is fun, I need to learn to have some every now and again.

 They encouraged me to come back next year and if I'm still living around this area, I will. I'm going to miss it, I felt that the game also helped pass the time during the long winter months. On the flip side, it will be nice to have my Sunday afternoons again. Getting ready to go, then curling, socializing with team mates and visiting mom afterwards, made my weekends short. Anyway, it was a new trick for this old dog to learn.


  1. Good for you Steven! I have watched curling on tv during the Olympics, but I've never seen it up close. It sounds like fun. I don't like new situations either. Glad you took the plunge.

    1. Thank you Michael, it was a lot of fun, even though I often invented new ways each week to suck at the game, hahaha!

  2. Well, had to YouTube curling. I think it’s perfect for Sundays!
    And concerning that fear to fail, I feel you. Same!
    What I’ve tried doing is to take the piss out of any new situation I go into by admitting aloud that I am not versed in it. And laughing off my mistakes. I’m very anal when it comes to winning, baby.


    1. Sixpence, I do the same, might as well take the pressure off by admitting up front that it's not going to go well. Lol

  3. I find that one of the best things about getting older is no longer being so self-conscious as when I was younger. Once you're past 40, it's like -- who gives a fuck anymore? Just do it!

    1. Debra, I agree and also after forty most people are starting to be younger than me, so I always think, "you little piss-ant, respect your elder".... ;)

  4. It sounds like you had a fulfilling winter. I'm glad. Don't let silly things hold you back. Take life by the horns and show it who's boss.

    1. Leanna, I am working on it. Yes it helped me enjoy some of the winter months.

  5. Good old dog! Your next new trick is to participate in some LGBTQ+ activities near you (no, not Grindr). Here is a reminder of where you can find some: . No excuses!

    1. OL, want to rub my tummy? I'm straight don't you remember? No way am I hanging around a bunch of gay people. I might get glitter on my clothes!

  6. Do it while you're young. Decrepitude doesn't creep anymore. It jumps out of the blue and whomps your butt! Hi, sweetie.

  7. Deedles, sometimes when I am not looking, it jumps out at me, I see what's coming! Hi snuggle bunny grandma hugs! :)

  8. Replies
    1. OL, and just how do you know so much about glitter? ;)

  9. Good for you for trying and doing it!
    I hope something new and adventuresome takes its place for you.

  10. Dr Spo, thank you, maybe I will hold off on adventures until the weather is more pleasant.
