Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Translation for the elderly please!

 Last week two younger radio hosts were giving an older host a hard time over phrases. The older host is my age so still young, hip and cool like me. The phrase was "Netflix and chill", apparently among the younger crowd it means, why don't you come over, we'll watch a movie and then have sex after. Did you guys know about this!?! I didn't get the memo! I can't believe this! I can't count how many times I have turned people down because I don't really like watching movies, I thought it was about movies!

 The younger hosts went on to say that Netflix and Chill is actually a thing of the past now, nobody uses it! Now I'm going to be paranoid that I will miss some new phrase, one of my friends is going to ask me something harmless like maybe we should go for waffles and I'm going to panic, not knowing if we're going out to eat or should I wear a jockstrap and bring condoms. Being down with it... is hard work!


  1. I'm hip to the jive, man! Right on! I don't bother keeping up. It seems younger comes along every five to ten years, so why bother? I still don't Netflix. I have to head straight for the chill before my six to seven o'clock bedtime.

    1. Deedles, I'm not completely sure what Netflix is to be honest.

  2. And I was just going to ask you if you wanted to come dine in and eat out.

    1. Maddie, you only need to say "you & me naked" I will know what you want!

  3. That's why I keep the Urban Dictionary on my end table.

    As for waffles, you may have something. When I was growing up in the 1950s, my parents sent us five children (we lived in a two bedroom house) to Sunday school. When I innocently asked why they didn't go to church with us, they said they had to stay home and make pancakes for our Sunday lunch. And people wonder why I'm atheist.

    1. Mike, maybe if they went to church more, there wouldn't have been such a full house! :)

  4. Waffles sounds good. I could go for waffles.

    Go ahead and brag about how many times people have propositioned you with Netflix. Rub it in. That's fine.

    Mike: When you have five kids in a two-bedroom house then you will understand.

    1. Old Lurker, if I start mentioning maple syrup, that still just sounds so wrong.

  5. Replies
    1. Sixpence, actually I'm adorable, Deedles said so once.

  6. It's true -- once a hip saying becomes mainstream, it's passé.

    1. Debra, that's a really groovy observation, you cool cat you!

  7. In my day it was - “your place or mine?”

  8. What will you do if they offer chicken with waffles?

  9. Richard, im pretty sure chicken with waffles, is code for open wide.

    1. Anitia darling, that huge wig of yours is causing your head to over heat.

      Are you guys pulling my leg, now I have to google "chicken and waffles".Lol

  10. I guess that's an advantage I have by teaching young teenagers. I am up on all of their vibe whether I want to be or not.

    1. Michael, you said vibe, that proves you're years behind... hahaha!

  11. Bob, if you want direct, you could try dropping your pants!
