Wednesday, January 30, 2019

"They" as in the gays.

 I'm currently working for a group that has a lesbian as the lead engineer. It's so amazing but she takes coffee breaks, eats lunch and wears socks... just like normal people do! It's funny to hear the comments when she is not around. They are not hateful comments, at least we seem to be past that point. They are basic lack of knowledge comments regarding gay people, statements made out of ignorance. It's comical to see how some people are surprised by gay couples and the totally mundane tasks that they do... just like everyone else has to do.

 I guess I shouldn't mention to them about the magical unicorn dust that every gay person uses to complete boring household chores, like cooking dinner or doing laundry. This way we have more time to listen to ABBA while applying glitter to all our clothes and reading poetry.


  1. Shhhhh! The magical unicorn dust is OUR COMMUNITY's secret!

  2. You write this as if straight people do not apply glitter to all their clothing.

    Let me guess: you are observing these ignorant comments with glee because you think you are passing -- that none of your coworkers suspect you of being a lesbian too.

  3. Magical unicorn dust?????
    My gay son obviously doesn't know of this. His house is a tip!😂
    Where can I get some?

  4. Ahhh that and the GAY AGENDA! Some straight people really are something. I think it's funny sometimes. Some other times I just want to look them in the eye and tell them "and we are planning on taking over the world". And walk away.


  5. I don't have magical unicorn dust. :(
    I feel deprived.

  6. It's been a long time since I've been in a situation like this. I'm out at work so I don't hear any gay comments. I'm not saying they aren't said when I'm not there. I just don't hear them.

  7. I use Unicorn Gold (from the makers of Squatty Potty) in my toilet to make my poop smell rainbow fresh. Does that make me gay adjacent? TMI?
