Saturday, January 26, 2019

Spending the night with Stu.

 I'm having Stu tonight, Stu can be so hot, I love Stu, so yummy tasting... oops stupid spell check, I mean stew as in homemade chicken stew. It has been simmering all day and I was having day dreams about some homemade stew all week. Some of the vegetables are from my garden so I was looking forward to the fresh taste.

 However (fffuck) I had to buy carrots and I didn't notice that they picked up a musty smell and taste from wherever they had been stored before reaching the supermarket. The cooking brought out the awful flavor and there is nothing I can do to save it. It tastes like the smell of an old damp basement. There is nothing more satisfying than having a good project ruined.

Well at least it looks good... :(

These are my purple potatoes and my regular potatoes. I like the purple ones slightly better, they have more flavor however I don't know what will happen now.


  1. I adore Stew in all his guises.

  2. Huh, I got all excited for you until you mentioned it was the food kind of stew! Ick, but that's just me. I have never heard of purple potatoes. They look interesting. I figure, if everything else goes wrong in a meal you can always do something with potatoes.

  3. Is it me, or does the set of top potatoes look like they are mooning us?

  4. I don't like meat but I'm crazy for meat stews, I never met one I didn't like. Last week for guests I made carbonnade flammande (Belgian beef stew) for the first time in 30 years. I forgot how much I liked it and it brought back pleasant memories. Comfort food.

  5. Darn! That’s the worst. And they it looks awesome and it tastes terrible? Ugh.
    I have to confess I don’t really know how to cook but I may try making a stew.... I think there’s a crockpot somewhere in the kitchen. If I poison some poor bystander, it’ll be your fault.


  6. Well, isn't that a sonovabitch. I'd be pissed off. Complain to the supermarket about how their carrots ruined the entire stew -- maybe they'll give you a gift card or something to make up for it.

  7. What a disappointment. I'd be pissed as hell.

  8. Ugh...all that work too. If that had happened to me I would not have been a happy camper.
