Thursday, January 10, 2019

...and Katy Perry says!

 My gay dance genes allow me to enjoy pop songs. One of the pop artists I always enjoy when a song of hers comes on the radio is Katy Perry, I don't have any of her CD's but I find her music upbeat, fun and I like a lot of her hits. Now I understand that most of you are not young, hip and cool like me, you probably don't know who Katy Perry is unless you saw someone pretend to be her in a pride parade. Many of you are probably still asking, "is a CD that thing like my record albums or is it like my eight tracks"? All you need to know is Katy is a top forty pop dance type singer.

 Adam reminds me of one of her songs... a lot, I hear it in my head almost every time I message or email with him. "You... change your mind... like a girl changes clothes (a woman wrote that, don't shoot the messenger). The song is Hot'n Cold and communication with Adam is like living the lyrics. One minute he is coming on to me like a man driven by white hot passion, then the next day it's like a completely different man. Sometimes I get three emails in a day and then I don't hear from him for a day or two or three.

 "Steven, I really feel connected to you, I don't want you to think I'm the kind of guy who would just use you". Wow right? Then we communicate back and forth a bit. Next day I will say something about meeting up for dinner or drinks etc and I get no response or worse, "oh hey Steve, how was your work today, I went shopping for socks, I wanted dark blue ones but they only had the light blue ones". Cue the music... "You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down.

 I like to add my own lyrics, "you like toasted then you like baked, you're an oddball or maybe a flake, you're a butterfly then a bee, best to use you as an f.w.b". I missed my calling as a writer of pop songs. I suspect he is probably hot and heavy into me until he gets some alone time with himself at home, after a few minutes on the internet, he probably cools off. He is a cute guy and has a nice personality, I confess that none of this really bothers me because I am on a mission, I don't see him as boyfriend material
but if we are alone together and something starts to happen, I am not using my brakes. I find it helps when you can visualize a person, even though he is not Latino, his nationality makes him appear to be at times and he thinks it's funny when people speak Spanish to him. He sort of reminds me of Jay Hernandez, the gentleman who plays the current Magnum P.I. and is also currently one of my top three tv boyfriends. :)


  1. I know who katy perry is and I'm 64! ROAR!

    1. Anne Marie, your age doesn't matter, you have proven time and again that you are cool and hip.. fist bump!

  2. Me too and I'm 61. I wouldn't put up with Adam's behavior. I'd confront him about it. But that's me. I can be a prick. That may be why I'm single.

  3. Richard, I think I told you before that you don't remind me of anyone's grandpa!!! Well I can only take so much but I want to try and leave my Mark! Steven was here... lol.

  4. I'll be 63 in March. I've never been cool or hip and I know who Katy Perry is! I prefer stronger voices, myself. I enjoy Kelly Clarkson, for instance. Now, as for that pop songwriting calling, don't listen to it!

    1. Deedles, as for my song writing career, I thought you had my back, why must you hurt me so, why Deedles why :( lol

  5. Age really doesn't matter when it comes to good music. I'm also a Katy Perry fan. I love good music. Stuff you can relate to and dance to. I have a secret and I'm pretty sure other people have the same, I'm really 18 inside a 64-year-old body. So yeah, I'm one of those old ladies who would be skateboarding down the street right now if it wasn't for the fact that I abused my body when I was young. I should have known better than to be such a daredevil. Now I'm paying for it with fake knees and a badly messed up back, shoulders and neck. *deep sigh*

    1. Leanna, I am 27 but my body went on ahead without me :(

  6. With all apologies to Helen Reddy:

    I'm old woman, hear me bore,
    Tales of aches and pains galore.
    I creak a little whenever I upend.

    That's as far as I got. I don't think I want to continue, aren't you happy? Let's get this AARP meeting started, y'all!

    1. Deedles, Helen Readdy you are not, oddly enough my friend Helen Waite is an album producer, so if you want my help with a career writing songs, you can go to Helen Waite... ;p

  7. I dont mean to be Cruella DeVil.....but run darling. I've been there and dont have time for those games. He needs to pull up his big panties and figure out what it I'd he wants.. he's only wasting his time and yours. I'd have cut him off already.

    1. Maddie, I don't think you are being cruel, I think you are giving good advice. :)

  8. He may need a little push so he makes up his mind. And if something happens, happens. If not, you move on. 😎
    And I kind of like Perry. I found her to pander a little at the beginning. I prefer Robyn myself, if we are doing pop divas.

    1. Sixpence, I don't really know who Robyn is... google time lol.

  9. I, too, know of Perry, though I wish I didn't; I am not a fan,let's say that.
    As for Adam? Not much of a fan either.

    1. Bob, that's ok, it's your job as a grumpy youth challenged man to hate our hip young trendy music.

  10. I just donated all my vinyl to the hospital thrift store, skipped 8 track thank you very much. At 68, am I the oldest here?

    Steve, you can't say 'top three tv boyfriends' and only mention one, even if it is your own blog.

    Off to google Jim Hernandez (sp?) and look for Katy Perry and Kelly Clarkson in the tubes.

    1. Mike, I was blogging about how frustrating Adam is to communicate with and half the people fell down the Katy Perry rabbit hole, do you really expect me to also add in my tv boyfriends? That's coming to a later post.

  11. Clearly Maddie is just jealous and wants to keep you pure for your marriage bed. Either that or he is the voice of wisdom.

    Dan Savage has a line about newly-out gay guys being like 14-year-olds -- they may be in their 30s or 40s, but when all of their straight friends were kissing boys in their early teens the gays were cowering in their closets. As far as I can tell poor Steven has had about three intimate relationships, where his romance with D was approximately the equivalent of first love in high school. So he probably could use a little relationship practice with Adam. (That is not the same as saying he should feel obligated to practice relationship skills with Adam if it does not feel right.)

    As for music: who is Katie Perry? Katy Perry I have heard of, but I am not hipster enough to be familiar with your obscure tastes.

    1. Old Lurker, and you with all your wisdom have had how many boyfriends? Hmmm?
      Oops, Katy, darn spell check changed it to Katie and when I googled the lyrics it came up as Katie so I thought my bas and changed everything to Katie. I was going to try and save face by creating a fake profile of a pop singer called Katie Perry but that was too much effort.

  12. Maddie, I am pure as fresh fallen snow, with no tracks through it, except maybe a cute little squirrel and a few bunnies.

  13. Sure. Rub it in. I have had enough boyfriends to spout unsolicited advice on the Internet.

    I can't believe you referred to Bob as youth-challenged! You kids have no respect for your elders. And isn't it past your bedtime?

  14. Old Lurker, I have trouble sleeping lately... want to tuck me in! ;)

  15. Sitting on the Internet is not going to help you get to sleep.

    1. I go on after lying in the dark for too long, I know about the blue light blah blah blah. Turns out it was something I ate because later I thought I was going into labor.
      What about you, I thought seniors were in bed by nine... lol.

  16. Helen Waite -- I actually know her. Her parents weren't cruel namers. She moved here from Canada and married an American named Waite..

  17. Helen Waite, huh? Well, I'm giving this advice to Helen Bach, my agent. And hey, a singular drop of blood, sweat and tear went into that song parody! I could've written for MAD magazine if I had the drive or the attention span!

  18. Deedles, no worries, I also have a very short attention s... do I have any more of those cookies left?
