Friday, January 11, 2019

A Runny Nose Crisis?

 This morning I was listening to the radio and they were asking for donations of something I never heard being asked before. They were asking for tissue donations. It is cold and flu season so I began listening more intently. I have heard requests before, regarding items that we just never think about donating but makes total sense to donate. Items like soap, shampoo, deodorant, underwear, socks and even things like feminine hygiene products. Along with food and clothing, many of the homeless or working poor would appreciate getting these personal items.

 I was puzzled however; by the urgent request for tissues, I wondered to myself if there was some obscure reason people down on their luck needed tissues. I was also thinking that they are not that expensive, 99 cents will get you a box of the no-name brands at many stores. Listening further revealed the need. Now maybe because it's almost -25 Celsius here, I can claim "brain freeze" as my excuse, I'm not blond but if it's not too politically incorrect to say this, I had a blond moment. The radio host was asking listeners to sign their donor cards because there is always a need for organs and tissue donations.


  1. I've never heard a request for tissues.

  2. It was an easy mistake to make blondie.

    1. JP, hello friend, I hope you are doing ok.
      Thanks for your support.... I think. :\

  3. Silly Steven! The organs are needed to play music to soothe folks. The tissues are needed for the tears that the organ music brings forth. DUH!! Tissues are also much, much cheaper than feminine hygiene products, if I recall right, so a twofer!

    1. Deedles, oh I get it! Thanks for the explanation, what would I do without you. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Debra, I know lol, sometimes in the morning my body is up but my mind is still in bed. Lol

  5. when you get a driver's license in PA, you are asked if you want to be an organ/tissue donor. if you say yes, that info is printed on your license. I said yes.

    1. Anne Marie, they don't want mine unless I never have sex... so actually I probably could donate lol.

  6. Replies
    1. Bob... and you were probably hoping this was an intelligent blogger... surprise!!!

  7. You might be surprised at how much of a barrier 99 cents can be for some people.

    1. Old Lurker, yes if you're homeless 99 cents, 99 dollars, 9900 dollars can be all the same.

  8. Heh. I would have made the same mistake. 🤓

  9. Oh god....I am a natural blond, even through it's gotten darker.

    I also noticed thats ALOT of tissue on the nightstand. What ARE YOU doing at night?

  10. Maddie, I'm thinking about YOU... in a three-way... with the Lad and Cali-Boi while I film and give directions for my very own personal secret film that the world can never see. Sorry, I have to go back to my room now for a while.

  11. Steven, don't forget your tissues!!

  12. Deedles, FYI... there is a practical reason why men never throw away a good sock when the mate has been tossed... well you asked for it! Hahaha!

  13. First of all, ewwww! Secondly, tissues are disposable, so no washing. Please tell me you wash the socks!

    1. Deedles, you are not allowed to know about secret men stuff.

  14. Here is Texas they ask when you get your drivers license if you want to be an organ/tissue donor. Hail yeah! I don't need that stuff where I'm going. I just hope my brother Satan forgets that little tiff we had about air conditioning.

    1. Leanna, I thought all your parts were broken, aren't you held together with duct tape?

  15. OH And Steven...come closer please...…..

    *grabs Steven and plants a big kiss on him*

    It's Kiss A Ginger Day!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost forgot!!!!!!!!!! here comes another.....

    1. Darn! I was in a mall today, I should have let people know!

  16. And Deedles....this may explain those "stiff hard" socks you used to find when cleaning your boys room.

  17. Maddie, wouldn't you just love to see the mothers faces when they read your comment and the sudden grossed out look of realization comes over them.

  18. Willym, with maybe a few chips and cracks in it?
