Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Ya got any snow up there?

 The answer to the question is YES, every now and again, one of my blog buddies asks me the question, "do you have snow yet"? Snow? Yes we have snow! We have lots of the white crap, it's been continually coming down since before Halloween... and no that's not normal for this area. It's so annoying that the weather stations will call for light flurries or no snow and yet we will get a huge dump of the stuff! Even if we finally get a break and it turns warm for a day, maybe even rains a little and takes the snow down, it will suddenly turn freezing cold and starts to snow again!

 That's the other annoying thing, usually cold days means sunny bright weather, unfortunately not this year, it can be well below freezing and yet will still snow a lot, it's starting to rub everyone's nerves raw!

 Today for example, I have to take mom to the hospital for tests, the drive is over an hour away. All week they have been promising good weather... it has been constantly snowing since I got up this morning, grrrr!


  1. Hang on, boy, hang on -- winter has just BARELY started yet! There's still a looooooooong way to go.

    1. Debra, thanks for the cheerful words... I think lol. I know it's a long time, that's why I'm complaining now! :)

  2. On the other hand, I hope you and your mom get to her tests and back safely. You may be a fool for complaining about summer, but you are a good son.

    1. Ahhh! What happened, did they clone you! Awww now you ruined everything by reminding me why I like you so much.

  3. I hope the tests go well for your mom.

  4. Yeah, we literally just ended summer, with temps in the 80s just a month ago and already people are whining about the cold!
    And winter is [still] coming.

    1. Bob, I don't mind the cold, it just didn't have to bring the in-laws old men winters with it!

  5. Though I know it is draining, snow can be beautiful too. I guess I can say this because I live in a place where snow is an event, not an common occurrence. Hope the tests go okay for your mother.

    1. Michael, come build a snowman with me! I will show you another place to the carrot on him! ;)

  6. so did you manage to get your mom out for her tests?

  7. OL, can you blame me, we went from humid jungle where we couldn't breath, to arctic winter! You are only mad because I killed one of your kind, a pesky pest! :p

  8. Anne Marie, yes we went to and back safely. I'm used to snow, I would only cancel if there was freezing rain.

  9. Ha! I will come and visit and we can go shopping for carrots!

  10. Michael, the carrot farmers thank you for your support. Lol

  11. Ha! No snow here ever. I miss it so, In fact you inspire me to write a blog entry on it.

  12. Dr Spo, I would send you a lot of it if I could! :)
