Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Nasty Christmas meme.

 Alright I'm going to do the nasty Christmas meme. If you did this and enjoyed doing it, you suck! Lol, elfing take that you Grinches, and not the cool Dr Seuss villain we all love, the crapy creepy poorly acted Jim Carrey Grinch!

  What do you hate most about Christmas?
I hate the fact that most of the people I loved in life are all dead now, making Christmas never able to live up to past Christmases.

  What is your least favorite piece of Christmas music?
 Ever since George Michael died everyone and their grandmother has covered his song "Last Christmas", (which has nothing to do with Christmas) and now it's common to hear different versions of that frigging song three or four times an hour on the radio or in a mall! Aaaaaaahh!

   What traditional Christmas food other than fruitcake, is being sent to the garbage can?
I actually like fruitcake (you are what you eat maybe), I like it because of course, I had the real homemade thing and not that store bought garbage. In fact mom and her mother used to make a gumdrop version that I really miss to this day. As for food I don't like, I'm echoing Old Lurker's answer, Christmas ham, yuck! There is so much salt and preservatives in those hams I can't stand them. Unlike the real roasted ham we used to cook ourselves, those pink store bought hams are gross. If someone doesn't pay attention to my warnings about not giving me one, they always become my Christmas treat to the ravens.

 Which animated TV Christmas special leaves you wanting to rip the wallpaper off the walls?
They used to have these religious themed ones that depressed us because the main characters always died or got killed and those were bad enough but the worst was a politically correct cartoon a few years ago where frosty the snowman and kids had to stop climate change from melting frosty and the north pole, I think the villain was a business man with a company and we all know how evil people who work for a living are. Vomit!

 What was your least favorite gift ever?
That's a hard one, I don't ever remember being really disappointed by a gift. I remember I always got slippers and pjs for Christmas but felt that they shouldn't be wrapped up because it was misleading lol. I guess one time when my grandmother became too elderly to shop, one of my aunts bought the gifts for the grandchildren, we were just kids and she gave us coffee mugs for Christmas, what the heck?

 Who on your Christmas list is the hardest to shop for?
 I don't really have a lot of shopping to do, I guess I have to say my sister. She has a good government job, no kids and is good with money so she already has everything she wants, plus now approaching retirement, she is downsizing so she doesn't really want anything.

 How would you spend this time of year, if you weren't caught up in all the holiday madness?
 I really feel that you are an idiot if you LET yourself get caught up in any made up "holiday madness". I want to enjoy myself so years ago I made sure that I would continue celebrating Christmas the way it was done for years. People gathered to exchange a few gifts and share a meal with family and friends. They didn't spend weeks elbowing strangers to get a deal on cellphones or laptops. People need common sense as a Christmas gift. What's the point of celebrating Christmas if you are not enjoying yourself, it's ridiculous, you might as well stop having a Christmas because you have completely lost the meaning behind it.

 Christmas is very different for me now, a little sad at times to be honest but I try not to let that happen. I had almost completely moved away from celebrating it but I found that I missed a lot of the good points so I take part in a lot of it again. It's a good way to get through the dark winter days. Have a good Christmas... meh or not. Lol


  1. the militant xstains and the retailers ruined the day. usually spouse & I exchange 2-3 gifts and have a nice meal in a restaurant (chinese, japanese, indian) and go to a movie. no, we are not jewish LOL. and it's a day off work.

    1. Anne Marie, I only found out last year that it's a Jewish tradition to go out to a Chinese restaurant on Christmas day. I would miss my turkey dinner too much. We used to always have a Christmas eve pizza as a tradition, so as not to get tired of turkey and ham, lol.

  2. I agree that it's too much between the religious wingnuts and the greedy corporations, which is why we keep it simple and peaceful and quite and fun.

    1. Bob, good for you, I never understand why people turn something that should be fun into something stressful.

  3. Yes, I agree -- don't get caught up in all the unnecessary Christmas madness, just enjoy the simple, good things about the holiday -- friends, family, food, a few gifts, and the Christmas spirit!

    1. Debra, yes I agree, enjoy it and take the time to reconnect with people. :)

  4. I enjoyed reading your meme. Why dont you just pack your bags and come spend christmas with me. I'm sure you will enjoy my christmas ball collection and the shenanigans at my aunts house. Hell......stay all winter tootes, I love cooking!!! And in agreement about the George Michael song too.

    1. Maddie, we could invent a Christmas cake with gin, rum and vodka in the recipe, we could call it Christmas spirits!

  5. I agree that you would enjoy Maddie's ball collection, as long as you and the Lad learn to share when playing with them.

    That first response was heavy. Whatever Christmas spirit I had is crushed now. I think you win the meme.

    1. Old Lurker, now come on buddy don't you remember how you became nice and returned all the gifts, don't lose that feeling.

  6. John, I will probably be playing on the internet... which is really sad. Lol

  7. Wait, you got an invite to Maddies and I didn't? I love there memes, but no one really sounds grinch. I enjoy the cartoons, but do not know which one your talking about.

  8. Cali-Boi, I thought you were already getting together with Maddie, I've been telling him to be sure and get x-rated pictures! I don't think anyone would deny you lol! Most memes I read were funny, I'm just teasing people. Jim Carrey did a version of the Grinch story but I didn't like it. Santa told me he's not coming to you because you haven't been blogging.... so you know what you have to do! ;)

  9. OMG another fruitcake lover! Yay us! I’m always conflicted cause I live Panettone and people are like what’s that? Really.

  10. Sixpence, one day fruitcake will become extinct! :(
    I was going to attempt one a few years back; however I would be the only one eating it and the ingredients would have been so expensive that the whole thing felt pointless.

  11. You are invited to spend christmas here.

  12. Thank you Dr Spo, that's very kind, I may shock you one day and take you up on the offer, at least to run away from snow for a few days.
