Saturday, December 8, 2018

Time warp again?

 I think most of my readers have the same feeling by now of time speeding up as we age. It seems to catch me off guard more and more these days, I am often actually startled by time lines that seem recent but are really distant. I have come to ease the time shock by playing a song in my head when these moments happen.  It's the song "Let's Do the Time Warp Again", from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Every time someone says something that shakes my core regarding time, I hear that chorus, loudly in my head.

 Take yesterday for example, I happened to bump into a guy that I had worked with. In "my mind" we parted ways about seven or eight years ago when he was part of massive layoffs in my company. I stayed on for a few more years until they finally came for me. He did well for himself, he already had a government type job when they gave him his walking papers. I asked him if he was still there and he said yes... that he has been there fourteen years now... "LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN" f... f.. fourteen years! I couldn't believe it, I remember saying goodbye to him, shocking when he said that.

 It upset me greatly because I saw how he did the right thing by arranging to begin a new job right away. He has been going on with his life having a steady job, plus a pension when he retires. Myself on the other hand, have been dealing with cutbacks, layoffs, work stoppages, loss of benefits etc ever since. I have been in such a tunnel of survival mode at work, I couldn't see it would have been better to quit long ago and go somewhere else. It would have been easier to get hired in my thirties than now in my... older than thirties. I know looking back it's easy to see what I should have done, I know it's not healthy to do that but it really affected me.

 Again last night, I settled down to watch one of my favorite Christmas movies; however I just couldn't get into it, I was bored with it. The feeling that was overwhelming me was that I felt I had just watched that movie a month or two ago and not the actual time line of a year ago. I find that when I pull Christmas decorations out, I feel like I just put them away. I am not one of those people who has them up for months either, usually a week or two before Christmas, (sometimes even Christmas eve) then everything is packed away by January sixth/seventh, a tradition of my mother's. Watching the movie last night, I said to myself, "I feel like I JUST watched this", then suddenly in my mind "LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN, LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN"!!!


  1. One of the reasons I don't do very much Christmas decorating anymore is precisely that time warp that you're talking about. It seems like SO much effort to haul everything out and put it up, when I just took it all down and put it away seemingly YESTERDAY.

    1. Debra, when I was 21 I remember that an older man I used to work with, kept his Christmas tree fully decorated in his garage covered by a tarp. Every Christmas he just wheeled it into the living room. At the time I was horrified, now I think he was a genius before his time! Lol

  2. Z E N O S Y N E

    I am freaked out that I have been reading your blog for something like three years.

    1. OL, did you just sneeze? Bless you! Hmmm only three years eh, feels oh so much longer that you have been commenting on here. :D

  3. it's just a jump to the left, and a step to the right...

    1. Anne Marie, that sounds too much like exercise, I need to sit down. :)

  4. I feel like my life is on constant fast forward.

    1. Richard, me to buddy and it's picking up speed at that!

  5. I remember looking forward to September and it came and went so fast it left my head spinning! I don't even celebrate the holidays and the years are whizzing by. It seems like my youngest just turned thirty and he's going to be forty-one in March. Don't get me started on the grandbabies, teen and tween!

    1. Deedles, I hate to tell you but your grandkids just finished university while you were reading this! ;)

  6. TRHPS is one of my fav movies. Ever. And I feel you about Xmas. I don’t decorate for Xmas. I just get a ton of real greenery and white lights and and I leave them up until the end of January ;-) it’s like an early spring.

    1. Sixpence, spring in January, good idea I could get behind that! Lol

  7. I was going to write Zenosyne too but OL beat me to it.

    1. Dr Spo, it's ok I thought about you immediately and felt you were going to say that. That's your "thing" OL can take it away from you. I'm a little shocked that OL is not busy plotting against Whoville. XD

  8. For me, the feeling happens, I think, because of the new century. The nineties were very eventful for me, whereas I've lived in the same neighborhood throughout this century. So it seems like a short period of time.

    I think of these 18 years as being about three years long.

    I also think about making changes. I realize that had I made necessary changes 10 years ago, I would have had time to be in a better place by now. It's still not too late.

  9. Harry, the last ten years feels to me like a puff of smoke! As if a magician went "POOF" and said, "it is now ten years later"!

  10. I am amazed with how fast time is going by. I try and not think of it!

  11. Michael, the less you think about it... the faster it goes! Aaaah! :)
