Friday, December 7, 2018

Get into my bed!

 I wish one of you were here, I would tell you to come to my bedroom, I would tell you to take your clothes off, I would tell you to get into my bed, I would tell you to roll around gently and make the bed comfortable for us, then when you are ready, I would get into bed with you and I would whisper into your ear, "thanks for getting the bed nice and warm, now not a peep out of you, turn over and go to sleep"! Hey don't judge me, it's -25 again and I don't want to get into a chilly bed, so deal with it!


  1. Deedles and Balder Half are on their way.

    1. Good grief Mr Lurker, did you have ten cups of coffee or something??? I think you got so excited at the thought of getting into my bed that you went "comment hyper"! Never mind about those other people because yes... I would have snuggled up with you! ;p

  2. Nope, looks like they are already booked. I guess Mistress Maddie is going to dispatch the Lad.

  3. Well, so much for that. What are you doing calling Maddie your future husband when you haven't even shipped the engagement ring yet?! You should get on that.

    Sigh. I'll check in with Dr Spo.

  4. OK now this made me laugh out loud!!! Ironically I love getting into a cold bed. But then I like it to be warm eventually ha.

    1. 1st Man, there is the refreshing cool feeling of getting into bed, then there is the "AAAAAHHH it's bleep bleep bleeping cold" and that's a completely different feeling! If you laughed, my work here is done. :)

  5. Dr Spo says that Harper did not renew her passport, so getting across the border is going to be a pain. However, I have excellent news! The Board of Directors Here at Spo-Reflections as soon as they are done carousing and pillaging. They have not bathed in a few weeks, and I dearly hope you have mead in your fridge, but your chilly mattress problems should be solved real soon now. Sweet dreams!

  6. Replies
    1. Christina, I can't have a dog and I don't trust an electric blanket, oddly enough I could buy a single gay guy but usually they don't come with good character, lol.

  7. @old lurker - hee hee hee!

    I ain't getting into no -25 cold bed for NO ONE! you really need an electric blankie. THEN I would consider it!

    1. Anne Marie, lol please don't encourage the Lurker, it's like feeding the bears at the park, they just get bolder!
      I would let you drink gin in bed if you warm it up for me, hahaha! :)

  8. I, too, love getting into a chilly bed and then warming it up in whatever way I choose!

    1. Bob, I think I need pictures of your warming techniques! For educational purposes of course.

  9. I notice that Old Lurker is volunteering everyone but himself! Such a self-sacrificing spirit! I would gladly keep you warm, if you don't mind snuggling with a giant water balloon. Balder Half says if I can't sleep in the same room, let alone bed, as him that he isn't loaning me out to anybody! I tried, sweetie. You can have Bella, my ten pound bichonpoo. She becomes a warm, cuddly Great Dane when she sleeps with you.

  10. Deedles, awwww :( I'm not allowed to snuggle with you, that's ok I understand lol. I don't imagine you guys have too many cold nights down there, you probably have the a.c.on instead lol.

  11. You sound like my grandma. She wouldn't have an electric blanket even when we told her they were so safe these days you could even put them in the washing machine!

  12. Steven, not all of California is created equal. It is 7:00a.m. right now, and 38 degrees. That may not be cold for people who live with snow, but I'm a tropical being originating from sunny San Diego! I do love cold air coming into my room at night while I'm under a couple of blankets. I've gone through two electric blankets and never replugged them once I washed the stench from them. Those things are too delicate with washing instructions and I'm too lazy! Balder Half and my sons and granddaughters are all hot house plants, which is weird since BH is originally from Chicago.

  13. Christina and Deedles one of my favorite inventions right now is heated car seats, I love having my bum warmed up! Hahaha! In fact I can set it at three to have toasted buns! :)

  14. I have a hot water bottle you could borrow?

  15. No, can I borrow Guido instead? You come to! :D

  16. Trust me -- you are better off with the Board of Directors.

  17. OL, I did say "not a peep" so you would be ok.

  18. I'm at the airport. Can you pick me up? Uber says you live too far away. Hurry up! I'm freezing. I hope you car has heated seats.....

  19. You scared me for a second, I was thinking holy crap I hope this guy is joking! I need to clean house fast!!! O.O

  20. Wait what? This sounded all fantastic, and then....

    1. Sixpence... and then freezing cold winter happened!!!

  21. I hope Idon't freak you out I've often wondered this :-)

  22. Dr Spo, you would never freak me out but I'm not exactly clear on what it is that you are wondering?
