Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Beginning of Gay being Okay.

 The other day some of my friends were talking about gay people, they don't know about me... yet that is, lol. They were saying things like how nice it is that gay people can live their lives and feel free to date whomever they want to now. Of course it depends on where you live in the world but most western countries are legalizing gay marriage so for us it's becoming a non issue. It wasn't always this way, in fact those same people would have rejected me at one time as a perverted freak.

 A lot of the younger gay people tend to forget that, they have this scene in their head where they go back in time and tell everyone off and then live happily ever after because they changed society with one snappy comeback. We have to ask how did we (LGBTQ people) get here. Yesterday I read a great post on The Gay Almanac about the Stonewall riots, that was the beginning of the LGBTQ community pushing back, standing up for themselves, forming activist groups and saying no more to the bigotry towards us. If you have time, read the post and get a sense of our history, if you are part of the community, I will be giving out an exam on the subject tomorrow, all written no oral (no complaining Maddie). However you can be exempted from the exam if you give the gentleman some sugar for posting an interesting piece. READ


  1. As a gay man of a certain generation, I have witnessed the struggles and battles since Stonewall. It's an important part of LGBTQ history that needs to be remembered and taught to the younger generations.

    1. RJ.... and what generation would that be? From reading your blog I know you have been in your own battles.

  2. today's young people don't know what we boomers went through so that they can live openly. gay kids, black kids, young women...clueless as to the struggles. for them, the 60s are "way back there".

    1. Anne Marie, yes that's completely true and sadly I fear they could lose rights from being complacent. I am glad to see that today's youth are quick to protest however, so hopefully they will carry on with the fight.

  3. I'm really not being facetious here, but I learn a lot just from watching Drunk History. By the way The Gay Almanac is one of the blogs that I check out everyday. I read a lot of blogs but only comment on a few. Aren't you lucky, heh.

    1. Deedles.... lucky to have you? No I am honored to have you comment, (awww I so sweet). Okay... we were absolutely made to be friends, I think drunk history is hilarious and yes, we can actually learn history from the show!

  4. Stonewall was the spark that lit the fire, alright. And thank goodness for that!

    1. Yes Debra, thank goodness for that! Just goes to show, don't mess with a drag Queen!

  5. Awesome post! Thanks!!! Hey Deedles... feel free to comment on The Gay Almanac anytime!

    1. TGA, I don't know if I'm allowed to call you by name here or use TGA? No you have an awesome post lol, I just built off it. You are most welcome and thank you back. :)

  6. Deedles: Drunk History? Tell me more

    1. Mike, you need something to record it as the show is usually late at night. They get actors etc to read and explain history while at the same time getting them completely hammered. It can be quite funny, sometimes however the person is too far gone and just says things like, "the guy with the ship attacked the other guy and then he won and took over the place". Leaving you with nothing gained in knowledge. Lol

  7. Mike, the very best part of Drunk History is the acting out of the narratives. While the drunk person is telling the story, actors in little vignettes are lip syncing the words, hiccups and all! It is truly hilarious. I have to record the show because I don't stay up past eight usually.

    Steven, we were made to be friends. Do you have a minor crush on Derek Waters too? He seems to be a sweet man, just like you.

    1. Deedles, it's hilarious for sure. No I don't have a crush on him, he is all yours lol!

  8. Thanks Steven and Deedles. I love the drunk history concept. Imagine what they could do with current events!

    1. Mike, I think maybe a person has to be drunk to be able to read through today's events!
