Friday, May 11, 2018

Garage Sales and Dating Sites.

 As the weekend closes in and the weather gets warmer, the season of garage sales has started. I have been to a few, it's not really my thing but many of my friends are addicted. Men, women, gay and straight, they get up early on weekends to jump in their cars and search for that perfect find. They always tell me getting to the place early is your best bet, you don't want to end up picking through what others didn't want.

 Every time I join a dating site, I feel like when I first arrive at a garage sale. There is so much to choose from, there is the promise of finding that special find. However after doing some serious searching, I begin to feel like I am picking through the leftovers. The chipped and cracked China, the albums and cd's nobody wants, the knick knacks with pieces broke off and the books too damaged to read. I end up realizing that there is nothing for me here, I have wasted my time, I came too late.


  1. Being chipped and cracked myself, I'm not sure how to take this!

    My mother was a big fan of garage sales. After she retired she sold the house and moved into a small apartment. No longer able to collect junk, she specialized in clothing. She'd get a used article of clothing on the cheap and remake it. Alter the hem, switch out the buttons, sew in a new collar. This kept her busy the last 40 years of her life, even after she was mostly blind.

    I suppose you could do something similar with people....

    1. Mike, seriously you are old enough to know that you can't change a person or fix a person or tie them up and leave them in your basement until they do what you ask.

  2. I liken joining a dating site to getting thrown into a pool of piranhas. There’s a lot of interest at first because you are new meat. Then the charm wears off.

    1. Yup! That's another good description RJ. They don't want me because I am all bones and no meat. :(
