Saturday, May 12, 2018

Dirty Craigslist Pictures

 Sometimes I like to look at the pictures on craigslist, I guess that's one of my kinks, normal everyday type guys, I have very little interest in studio porn, they make the people look like mannequins or worse, like a funeral home did their makeup. The funny thing is that the only people who don't seem to get what craigslist is about, are the people who use craigslist. A few weeks ago, some guy wrote nasty posts about there being too many older guys, chubby guys and what ever else he didn't like. He was angry as to why all the hot nineteen year old rugby playing type guys weren't answering his ads. Someone needs to sit him down and explain to him that a hot, rugby playing nineteen years old with a six pack, doesn't need craigslist to find sex. Actually ( lol ) he could probably just stand in a parking lot at a mall and someone would snap him up. Sorry but craigslist is for the older troll type person, the "round is a shape" person, the cross dressing business man who wants to be spanked in his favourite red high heels.

 Sometimes I think they need to read over what they post. "Married, so I need to be discreet, very trustworthy, honesty and loyalty are my best personal traits". Ummm, not judging here but I think, hmmmm, trustworthy really? Then there are the guys who say they want to try gay sex for the very first time and then proceed to request sex acts that I have never heard of before. I have to actually google them to find out what they mean. Hmmm, now let me see what this sex term means, it means when one guy ( O_O ) aaah! Scrub eyes! Scrub eyes! There goes the appetite. How about the guys who post they love kissing other men, passionate long kissing session, cuddling, body contact, affection but they want it with no strings attached, huh? However I think I saw it all now, one guy posted a while ago, he has a wife and kids but is secretly looking for a guy on the side, first picture shows himself naked in the living room, second picture shows himself with clothes on but his kids are playing in the room, this in an ad looking for a guy to come over and have sex when the wife and children are out.

 I think craigslist must be the Wal-Mart of adult sites, or maybe it's the trailer park dating site. Like a train wreck however; I can't help but look.

  This is another post from the unfinished draft department. The ironic thing is that Craigslist and many other sites like it, shut down their personal sites in Canada this week. I assume it has to do with the law in the U.S. holding those sites responsible for anything that happens to the user. I think the real reason is that U.S. law makers are hoping that by shutting down these sites, it will make it harder for their president to find hookers and escorts which will help him concentrate on his job. Bazinga!


  1. I don't get why they closed those sites down. How do they expect to entrap people online if they close down the sites?

    Hilarious take on Craigslist, Steven. I never went there myself, but have you noticed it's always the same guys posting? Like daily? From all indications in DE there were only two guys who ever used Craigslist personals. The category I'll miss is Missed Connections, no photos but sometimes maps. 'You were waiting to check out at Safeway, I commented on your baseball cap. If you can describe my shirt, I'd like to hook up with you.'

    1. Mike, I wrote a post once about checking the missed connection. I just thought it would be romantic if someone wrote about me, then one day I came back to earth. Lol

  2. Needed the laugh after the week I had. Thanks! I wouldn't buy a table on Craigslist let alone a person, and not just because I don't know how. Hell, I've never used Uber either. You never know who you're really getting to drive, I would assume. There may be some freak out there who gets off perving on silver haired, flat behind, old ladies with front butt, and you know where that would leave me! Yep, door knob city (as in dead as a).

    1. Deedles, I missed you lol. I was wondering if I said Deedlejuice three times would you appear. This city was not too bad but craigslist in some of the larger cities had some crazy stuff happen. Silver hair and flat bottoms is the new hot!

  3. Mike - The missed connection ads were moved under the community menu. I always found the ads amusing.

    1. RJ, so I see you read them as well then... busted! ;)

  4. @ Deddles.Good girl!!!! Lord knows where the table has been...or what's been on top of it!!!

    1. Maddie, you really do have a one track mind, good thing it's on the right track!

  5. Y'all are too funny. I' pm looking at you Maddie.

    Deedles I don't do Uber either -- there ought to be a service for us silver hairs, where the drivers are old men in floppy fishing hats who leave their turn signals going for miles and miles.

    RJ, thanks for the tip. I'm off now to see who I missed at the Wawa.

  6. Maddie, I know, right? The owners may have served *gasp* Brussels sprouts on it! For the life of little ol' me, I can't think of anything more repugnant to lay on top of a table!

    Mike, I'm just a little bit askeered of old men with floppy anythings!

    1. Deedles, hey! Whoa now, watch that language! We try not to say brussels sprouts on this blog!

  7. Mike, well first I want to thank spell check for changing you're to your, something that drives me wacky, there should not be an automatic change unless I want it to, ggrrrrr. I think you probably hopeful but I want to pick at you so hopeless! Lol

  8. This was a hilarious post! I like you take on people who post on Craig's List.

  9. Thank you Michael54, I'm glad you liked it. :)
