Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Land of Hairdressers.

 When I was just a little boy, sometimes my mom would take me on a bus to the city. We would stay in the downtown area while she ran errands. Mom loved the city, all my life she lamented about moving back to the country after marrying my father. One errand was to get her hair done. Yesterday's post was about getting a haircut and it reminded me of an innocent question I had for mom one evening after her hair appointment. She liked to get pampered as well, she would always go to some of the nicer salons.

 I was a very good kid, I would sit quiet until she finished. I hated going there however and not just because it was boring. I noticed mostly men worked there, few women. These men were not like the barbers where my dad and I got our hair cut, I found them annoying. They would go on and on about how they absolutely loved my red hair, how they would just die to have my colour, how "gorgeous" it looked. I found them slimy to be honest, like over friendly cats.

 Later one night after we got home, I asked mom where do most hairdressers come from. Living in the country I noticed strange accents right away. She said that she didn't understand my question, that they grew up in Canada. I asked if that's true, then why do they all talk "that way". She still didn't get it but my dad did. I said they must come from somewhere because they talk funny and they all sound the same, "oh thay Theven you are jussst thimply the thweetest little boy ever and I thimply jussst love your red curlsss". Dad looked at mom with a smirk, mom was smirking too, I had no clue why but I knew it was one of those times when parents pretend not to know an answer when they actually do. I let it drop because I knew I was getting nowhere.

  Ironically now I know what language they were speaking and I am fluent in it as well. Out of the mouths of children, my baby gaydar could detect a gay man before I even knew what a gay man even was! Not bad for a little kid who just had his first homophobic moment, lol.


  1. Well, you have to admit that you are pretty sweet, and that your red curls are adorable.

    I wish I knew where the gay accent came from, though. I feel it might be more nature than nurture, but I don't know.

    1. Mr Lurker, maybe they recognize an offspring of their kind!

  2. Everyone loves a ginger!

    (There, I got in today under five words. Darn, now 12. I can't help myself...)

    1. Mike, I thought you were good in math, lol. Prince Harry made gingers popular these days.

  3. Yooth hath reth curlz growinth up? How adorableth! Reth hedth are my weakthnez. Theyth are soth sexyth! Show us!

    1. Walter, what? Have you been eating peanut butter? :)

  4. I do fancy a ginger. Were you teased as kid for having red hair? In my grade school there were three kids with red hair and were teased about their hair. Kids can be so cruel.

    1. RJ, yes I was relentlessly teased as a kid. I even had one old bat of a teacher who called me carrot top to humiliate and control me in front of the other kids. One day I told her that the top of a carrot is green. She really didn't like that.

  5. New rule: All those claiming ginger status must provide photographic proof. Drapery not carpet.

    1. Mike, this blog sets its own rules, like banishing commentators who push for pictures, lol.

  6. Or drapery AND carpet, but definitely drapery.

  7. Anyone who doesn't have a soft spot for a ginger is inhuman... jutht thaying....

  8. I dated two hairdressers in the past...and they were both crazy.

    1. Maddie, maybe sniffing too much hair spray! The main thing is did your hair look great and we're your haircuts free?

  9. Mistress: were you dating them at the same time? That might make me crazy too. I don't know how Daddy Warbucks and the Lad manage sometimes.

    1. ML, for him dating men is like buying eggs, he gets by the half dozen or dozen! Lucky brat!

  10. New rule: every time you threaten poor Mike with banishment for some trivial infraction, you have to post a selfie.

    1. Mr Lurker, pushing for pictures can get you banned! Alright, if you want I will post your selfie.

  11. @ Lurker...are you nuts? lol!!!! No it was years between. One with scissors in their hands is danger enough......

    1. Maddie, yes scissors, don't anger the person holding the scissors!
