Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Hair Cut.

I like to get my hair cut, I like that it makes me look younger, sharper, clean cut. I like the pampered feeling of having it done. I go to a barbershop in the city. Sometimes there is a tall pleasant man, meditation-ish looking. I love the way he takes care of his customers. He is one of those people who gives me chills when he touches me. It's the gentle way he will turn my head, move it up or down by caressing my chin. Stroking my hair to make sure it's the right lengths, his soft gentle tone when he speaks to me, after a few minutes I almost feel like he is hypnotizing me. Tonight there was a new man working with the others. I thought he did a good job as well. He was very focused on his task and it makes me feel good when they give me one hundred percent of their attention.

 I think I like it because of the human touch as well. I miss not having someone to touch, cuddle or hug, I think people need that to stay healthy. Some of my friends have told me I should try getting a massage, that's different to me. I don't have a problem with someone getting a massage but it's not for me. I joke that I don't like a stranger in my space, I certainly don't want one to rub their hands all over me. I didn't even enjoy getting a massage from my boyfriend, I don't know what it is but I feel awkward and uncomfortable.

 Almost finished, then he trims everything up with a razor blade, the old fashioned kind, I don't like those, they creep out. He wipes me down and applies an after shave, it feels cool but burns a little, every single time I get the image in my head of Macaulay Culkin screaming into the mirror from the Home Alone movie. I get brushed off and I am on my way, I feel good.


  1. I think you should get a massage. Nothing says it has to be sexualized. If you got one from a perky, scantily-clad lady with long flowing hair and skillful hands then you could put the sexual tensions aside and focus on getting your muscles relaxed.

  2. I believe in treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated. A good haircut on a regular basis is one of those treats. I get my hair cut every three weeks.

    1. RJ, I "deserve" a chauffeur picking me up to take me for my hair cut.

  3. I haven't been to the barber since 1989. Bob does me and I do him, so to speak. As a result we look like refugees from a concentration camp. I never enjoyed being touched by barbers, it makes me feel vulnerable. The idea of a massage freaks me out!

    Recently I read a quote from the great 19th century director Constantine Stanislavsky, who revolutionized acting and playwriting. In his day showing an ankle on stage or a long passionate kiss was unthinkable and would have gotten a theater shut down. Actors had asked him to describe love in a verb (ostensibly on stage?) They suggested verbs of their own. Give gifts or flowers. Live in the interest of others. Devour him or her with your eyes. Sing of love. Collapse into euphoria. Stanislavsky's answer: to love is "to want to be touched."

    This is what I feel when I see Michelangelo's God reaching out to Man, their fingers not quite touching. The title is Creation of Adam but I don't see the spark of creation. Man is all alone on one side while God is surrounded by people (ostensibly angels?, I don't know). He is draped across several people, has wrapped his arm around one, reaching beyond to touch another. I think Michelangelo is telling Man to love, to want to be touched. Some Christians say we were put here to suffer so we can have a better life in heaven, Buddhists say you can't achieve enlightenment without suffering. I hate this kind of theology. To me, if there's a God and if God created us, then we were put here on earth to love and be loved.

    I want to be touched, just not by the barber.

    1. Mike, good heavens, all that just for getting my hair cut! I let a friend cut my hair once about 25 years ago, I finally recovered from it two years ago.

  4. I agree about touch. When me and my friends get together we always hug each other first. And I love massages. I have used a guy for years. He was always very good, when he has done a could have slept all day. It's how you explain your haircut, but imagine that all over. He recently got into tantric massage. I wasn't sure at first if I wanted to cross the line, but I thought what the hell. I was fantastic.

    I would hate a life without touch.

    1. Maddie, did you mean "it was fantastic" or are you getting a big head! Lol

      I will have to google tantric massage, not sure what that is exactly but I assume it would be quite sensual.

  5. Maddie: tantric massage. Isn't this where the youngsters would say: no photo, it didn't happen? Anything tantric I could get into, given the right masseur!

    1. Mike you are totally right, it's the law now regarding the internet, no pictures, it didn't happen!!!

  6. @ Mike LOL,LOL,LOL My masseur I had for years was excellent. I go to a spa once a season to get pampered, full body massage body wrap, facial and mani/pedi, haircut. The soul needs this I swear. One day, the masseur said he started doing tantric on that side. And gave me his card. For him is wasn't anything sexual, and he had seen me in the buff before when he lifted my towel before for flip time, so I thought it's not like a stranger doing it. Even with the end result, it was one of the most relaxing massages I'd ever had.

    1. Maddie anyone with net access has seen you in the buff, if I was your tantric masseur however; it would totally be sexual for me! Hahaha!

  7. Maddie, I would skip the facial mani/pedi haircut (a hopeless cause in my case) and go directly to the tantric massage!

    1. Mike, oh blah.... what are you talking about, you are still a good looking man. Go for the whole thing. :)

  8. Now now. Let's not slut shame. Your masseuse can dress however she wants to do her job effectively.

    I have net access and I have never seen the Mistress in the buff.

  9. Mr Lurker, I could let you in on a few little secrets however; it gives me great pleasure to leave you wondering. Ha!

  10. I too enjoy the quiet satisfaction of a barber shop experience. Especially the gentle touch that goes with it all.

  11. Dr Spo, yes and I really appreciate it more when I get a bad barber. Plus it's nice to look at all the man candy in there.
