Friday, February 16, 2018

Will you O_O me?

  I have been experimenting with some online dating sites, nothing too heavy I'm doing a trial run. I set up a fake account first to see if it's a good site. I am finding most sites are not trust worthy. First are the free sites, they promise a free trial; however once you enter in your information, they ask you for your credit card number. There is no way I would take out a membership on a site that gets customers through deception. Then there are the ones that let you try but sell your email address to every spam company in the world. I know this because an hour or so after giving them my address, my spam box is full. If I can't trust you with my email address, what makes you think I will trust you with my credit card! There are some legitimate sites but it always seems to be the same guys over and over. I don't understand why some of them are there, it's supposed to be for long term relationships but they are dirty trolls that want to hook up with anything still breathing.

 One thing that keeps happening and it's staring to really tick me off, is the cross dressers that constantly message me. That's not my thing, total opposite. I don't judge, if that is part of who you are, it's not my business, so I try to politely let people know I'm not interested. I kindly mention it in my profiles etc, seems to have no affect, I get these pictures of guys dressed as women, in women's clothes, underwear, high heels and it's a huge turn off for me. I am attracted to all things masculine about men and absolutely, completely nothing feminine. It may sound strange but I am becoming hostile towards this, as a gay man I feel (especially in my younger days) that society has always pushed the sexual female on me. Sex sells and everything was geared towards the straight male and heterosexual people, so be it, it's just a fact, I'm ok with that. However a gay dating site is supposed to be about men, things male and homosexual sex/erotica, yes I know cross dressing is a part of the culture but I feel offended when it seems to
be forced on me in my gay world! To be honest I get the same feeling from a cross dresser as a lot of people do regarding someone dressed as a clown, a little unsettling. I want to be clear, I don't think anything is wrong with a man dressing up as a woman and I support anyone who feels the need to dress that way, just when I say no thank you, that's not my preference,  please don't keep trying to push yourself on me.

  I joined (for fun) a hook up site, I wanted to see what was up. Don't worry, I am not going to be hooking up with a bunch of strangers. I cheated lol, since I just wanted to see what was happening, I completely invented a profile. I am now a married, 6'1 well muscled, 28 years old, bisexual man who is looking to explore my attraction towards men, can you hear the dinner bell ringing? The thing that is shocking is the guys who are trying to hook up with me already, I have no pictures, I just joined, I could be an alligator that has figured out how to use a smartphone. Since it's a hook up site, the guys don't waste time, the requests are pretty direct, "just on my way home, can you O_O me"? Fill in the blanks, anything you can think of for those blank spaces, is what they want. It must do something to someone's mind, when they come home, "hi honey" and the kids are saying "daddy's home, daddy's home, and he is thinking in his mind, "I just BLANKED a guy, I can't imagine that is too healthy mentally.

  After being assaulted by vaginal art on Wednesday, I was going to declare today's post lady parts free, (sorry Lurker, no vgs allowed), after yesterday however; I have seen enough penis pics to more than make up for it!

[After being spanked by Old Lurker who felt it wrong to list as married, let me reassure readers that I did not, I felt it was disrespectful to the institution of marriage. I also don't communicate with members, it would be mean to lead them on. They just hit a bunch of profiles including mine, only I never respond back. I just wanted to check the site out first. May I also add eeeeyikes there are some really good looking men into men out there!]


  1. Do you think you will put your real stats in and perhaps go on a date?

  2. John, yes but I wanted to check things out first, not the hook up site however. That was just me being curious.

  3. Dating sites scare me. I've heard too many horror stories. Never have done it. I still prefer to meet people out, or I get introduced through friends. I did do Craigs list once, and was amazing how many married hot muscular men hit me up. I actually did have a affair with one for about two years once till he moved away. I also saw the cross dressers. I don't get that angle either. Having done drag I got picked up by straight guys all the time. But I am not into that. There must be some guys who like the cross dressing thing. Just give me muscular or little cute guys please.

    Keeps us posted.

    1. Maddie, whew! I was worried you might take offense to this post and that would have made me very very sad. One thing I have noticed is the guys looking for trans women, tend to be the most masculine and hot! I'm not shocked about the married men, craigslist is supposed to be their number one choice. When I first started coming out, I was wondering what was going on, 9 out of 10 guys who contacted me were married to women. I thought I was going crazy! I would prefer to meet someone but it's hard for me to meet people.

  4. I'm not attracted to cross dressers either. I'm attracted to men, not men in women's clothes. I like my men tall and hairy along with being close to my age.

    1. rjjs, I am lucky in that I like different types of men, yes and close to my age as well as I am not hung up on youth like many are. I need them to be masculine however or there is nothing there, I don't mean every guy has to be a lumberjack, he could be a file clerk, just he has to be a man.

  5. Do reconsider the hooking up with strangers aspect - at least the ones wearing more gender-appropriate undergarments.

    1. Dr Spo, it does sound exciting to just meet someone and wink wink, but that's not me, I want a husband. I did something naughty-ish, for the second time, I'm probably going to post about it some day.

  6. You shouldn't mislead people about your profile. 6'1 and well muscled? For sure. 28 years old? I believe it. Bisexual and looking to explore your attractions towards men? After yesterday's entry I have no doubt. But you shouldn't tell people you are married when you aren't. That's deceptive.

    On the other hand, I think that you have many readers who would be delighted to O_O you. If nothing else I am sure the hookup app has revealed that there are many willing participants for social intercourse nearby, even though you live in the country.

    1. Mr Lurker, I agree with you, I didn't list as married, I felt it would make light of marriage. I will add a note to my post. My profile will only run five days, I never respond to people, I have no intention of leading them on, I just wanted to see what was out there, I'm not mean. Guys just press the chat button and move on. There are some close by but a little too wild. You should see this 20 year old hockey player looking for guys his age, mamma mia talk about hot hot hot and cute smile, wish I was young again or at least a fly on his wall!

  7. No offense taken cutie. Doing drag is rather a form of art where cross dressing is done for sexual kicks. When people learn I did drag, they are shocked. I looked totally different in and out. Most said how does a handsome, toned guy like you, also make a stunning drag queen? That was always my draw to it. The art of the illusion. For years, I never even let anyone know who I was out of drag. There is also a story as to way I started drag in the first place. And yes, the guys that picked me up in drag creeped me the hell out. Not sure why this is since they knew a had a dick. Boogles the mind. I also never trusted myself on dating sites either, because of my high sexual appetite. One could have a revolving door all to easily, hence why I keep the same two partners. I met a lot of guys here at the pool or the beach in the summer. Much more comfort for me to meet in person. And a blind date wouldn't work. What if there is no chemistry? How do you excuse your self.

  8. Maddie, very interesting reply. I was surprised as well, you probably don't remember but I had to ask you if that handsome picture was actually you because I couldn't see that hot guy doing drag. You no longer do drag?
    I sometimes wonder if guys don't get addicted to constantly sleeping with new people and then can't stop. You made me laugh when you said you keep two partners, I would be happy with one! Actually to be honest I think it would be really cool to have two or three steady friends with benefits. People that I really cared about, I think that would be a lot more fun than hooking up with strangers.

  9. LOL!!!!! Your too kind!!!! No drag any more, UNLESS it is for a really good cause or a special party. My body has gotten more built since then....and it take two hours to get into the get up. Plus I wanted to be able to enjoy my nights out mingling and do others things.

    You also hit the nail of the head about being addicted to constantly sleeping with new people. I love that euphoria one gets with exploring the body of new people and did indeed fall into the pattern for a good year. It was very fun, but also very lucky I never got any std's! I have never admitted this, but I have in the past seeked counseling briefly for I thought I had sexual addiction. Turns out I'm not addicted, but to put it simple...just a high testerone level and very high libido. Believe it or not, I was told when the urge hits just masturbate!!!!! To this day, when by myself, there are days when there are three sessions so to speak!

    Yes, so now I see two guys. Both very nice and very compatible. Both there's always a glitch. They both live hours away. We are basically FWB'S, but feels a bit past that. For a while I was seeing four guys after my long term relationship ended!!! The one guy was a Russian!!!! The scandal!!!! His accent alone could make me do dirty things, lol!!!! Too tiring after some time, so these days I keep the Lad, my younger one, and Daddy Warbucks, the older one, and my hand is always at the ready. I'm happy for now, but do wonder if I will ever settle down again. If you can find a good loyal FWB that could be a nice step in your journey to finding never know. You are very easy to talk too, I can't imagine you have a problem meeting people... and your in the country. That's would be a plus in my book.

  10. Maddie, thank you, I am enjoying getting to know "Steven" better, (the rest of you guys talk amongst yourselves until we're done lol) I find your story interesting. I always wondered what would I be like if I had been raised in the city. Even though I have not been with a lot of people, I feel also I have a high sex drive, although compared to you, I think you are turbocharged! It's what caused my breakup, my boyfriend felt that sex once every two or three months was good enough, no I'm not exaggerating sadly. It's funny when I get to know someone a little, I used to read your blog because I thought you had a great sense of humor and your naughty (in a good way) but I never commented because you're so outgoing and I'm not, I didn't think we would connect. Meeting people is hard for me, not as much as before but still hard, I'm somewhat introverted, so it's easier on line than in real life. Some of my friends joke with new people, they say Steve is a nice guy, he won't say much to you but once he gets to know you, then it's hard to shut him up!

  11. "he won't say much to you but once he gets to know you, then it's hard to shut him up!" I've been told the same by my mother and friends! As out going as I can be, I can easily revert to being introverted too...especially in the winter. I love it, but do force myself to get out in fear that it could take over. I just get very comfortable. Once every two or three months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where's my smelling salts??? I'd been screwed too, no pun intended. Turbo-charged!!!!!! That s great term. I have it better controlled now, but I still enjoy sex a lot. I more comment hijacks.😁

  12. Maddie, lol... hijack..... maybe you should start your own blog! Hahaha! Oh no, I said "your naughty" instead of " you're naughty" I try never to do that and I did, I have brought shame onto my blog :(
    Nice chat buddy!

  13. Oh no! You thought I was serious. I was making a joke!

    Somehow I have turned into the local nag.

  14. Mr Lurker, well your humour was lacking some.... oh what's the word I'm looking for..... oh yes, your humour lacks....well humour! Maybe you're a bit dry.... lol I'm just kidding, don't worry about it, I didn't list as married but forgot and put it in the blog post. You are keeping us respectable, not nagging.
