Thursday, February 15, 2018

What! What the what!

 I generally try to keep an open mind about things. I respect people who are honest about their lifestyle as long as they are doing no harm to others. Sex and sexuality I find interesting, it's such a huge part of who we are, I never understand why there are so many people trying to convince us otherwise.

 I am an hour from the closest city, there is a large village halfway between the city and myself. Over the years, the village has become a very bohemian town. Lots of artists, music lovers, specialty shops, fair trade coffee, farmer's markets etc. Today I picked up a local paper and was checking out some of the upcoming events. It featured an article about an upcoming show in one of the more popular clubs. It's dubbed an erotic variety show, lots of acts regarding topics on sex and sexuality. I was interested until I realized it looks like the usual evening of women moaning about having a vagina. Yuck, ugh, ewww vaginas, there is nothing new or ground breaking about women talking about their vaginas, actually when are women not talking about their vaginas or periods or cramps or tampons, as a gay man I feel like I have been assaulted by women talking about their vaginas all my life! I probably should insert a sentence saying I love women, don't have a problem with women and will serve you loyally once you have taken back control of the earth.

 I was hoping for a little manrotica, nothing too naughty, oh wait, that's a lie, the raunchier the better. This is not the case, in fact I have a suspicion, from the looks of the steel wool hair cuts and ladies flannel shirts, some of these women also want to talk about other women's vaginas as well as their own. If you want interesting discussions, why not try to pull in more of the LGBTQ community. They are having a drag king show, DRAG KING! Are you kidding me, this is lumber and farming country, half the women already dress like they are in a drag king show!

The best however was what I read at the end of the article regarding this event. Seems that some of the erotic art exhibits will include (I am not making this up) paintings from The Squirt Project, quote "a series of paintings she does through female ejaculation"! I spit up my fair trade coffee when I read that sentence! What! Female ejaculation paintings! Lol, what the hell you freaks! Now I know you are never supposed to judge art but I'm so judging that one! Yuck, gross, vaginas and now you're telling me they can spray you like some deranged skunk? I wasn't aware that this type of behavior is an expression of art. We better call the curators of art museums everywhere because most guys sooner or later have a similar master piece on their shower wall.


  1. Ugh! Not for me. I'll take a pass on this one. I don't even have a clever thing to say.

  2. I wonder when I sprayed my newspaper with coffee, if that is considered art? I hate to think what is going to happen if that lady gets diarrhea!

  3. I prefer the Old Masters rather.

    1. Dr Spo, I think I would prefer preschoolers with crayons than this exhibit!

  4. Your post brought a smile to my face. The imagery alone......
    I grew up in upstate NY, about 90 miles south of Ottawa, so as you describe where you live, I can easily imagine it as the topography and climate is similar to where I grew up.

    1. Michael 54, I'm glad someone say the humour, at first I was grossed out but next it made me laugh and laugh. Yes I think our homelands are similar. :)

  5. Now now. Let us not be gynophobic. Men talk about their penises way more than women talk about their vaginas (or vulvas). Vaginas may not be your thing but that does not mean they are disgusting. (And sure enough: the spell check on this web browser thinks "vaginas" is not a word but has no problem with penises.)

    There is a streak of misogyny within the gay male community that is quite frankly upsetting. I have heard more than enough "fish taco" jokes to last me a lifetime. Women (and their vaginas) have been far better allies to us than many, many men.

    I am perfectly content to have women (and the women who love them) put on some art shows for their own entertainment.

    Okay. Rant over.

    1. Mr Lurker, easy now buddy, sit down and have some tea, don't get your blood pressure up. Yes men joke about their penis but I am talking about lectures and plays etc. Usually they are all about the vagina. Sex education for me was penis talk the first class, which I missed, then the next two years was nothing but lady parts ewwwww. Anyway, lol calm down, I feel women were the biggest allies to gay men, actually I know they were. I agree there is misogyny in the gay community, usually from the stupid gays, who are too dumb to accept the fact that women are not their competition, most straight guys are not going to turn gay just because there doesn't happen to be a pretty woman around. Anyway don't take a post too serious that has the words "ewww vaginas, yuck" in it. My spell check is much more progressive, it doesn't have a problem with vaginas, vaginas, vaginas!

  6. Art is subjective and has many definitions.

    1. rjjs, yes I know, my bad :( I remember the lady who vomits colour water and the guy who sculpted poo, I once saw a piece that was actually a toilet hanging from the ceiling. In my defense, shock, horror and humour were the emotions I got from the concept, I just can't go see them.
