Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Blog Anniversary

Today I was thinking of writing in my blog about a few things on my mind, when I realized that today is the one year anniversary of this blog! Wow, a year already, it sure went by fast. I was looking back at some of my earlier posts and I can see where I have grown in many areas of accepting my sexuality. I had made email friends with some people in blog land already, they told me it is a good way to get things off your chest and also a way to meet other people in the same boat, I thought "I would like to try this." I remember writing my first post, my heart was pounding, I was so nervous, I thought what if people read my post and tell me to shut up and get out of the closet, what if they say I am betraying my gay brothers and sister by hiding, what if they think it is childish. Then I relaxed and figured go ahead and try it, if no one likes what I have to say, they just won't read my blog. It all started with this post called 'Awakening'. I am still learning to deal with my feelings and coming out, I still find it hard but I feel so different from the lonely, isolated guy who wrote that post a year ago.


  1. Awh, happy happy anniversary Steven!! I hope you keep writing and sharing your thoughts with your readers, but most of all, keep exploring on all the wonderful opportunities that life has to offer!!!

    Write on!!!

  2. I want to second on the HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Your blog has helped me many m-a-n-y times while reading it. Thanks for helping me with this journey also.

  3. Happy Blogoversary Steven!
    May many years follow.

  4. Congrats Steven, sooo much has happened in one year.

    I really enjoy reading your blog. I may not comment everytime, but I do read every post you right.


  5. Steve-o:

    One year out really is a marker, whether what you mark is good news or bad news. But it's also just another day.

    Only you can really know what the day holds for you. The rest of us can only hope it is a happy "birthday" you're having.

    And we do.

  6. Congrats!!! But you AREN'T the same person as you were a year ago. See how far you've come and how much you've grown??? Keep on doing it to its fullest...its called living life.

  7. Happy Blog-o-versary, Steven! Your voice is a welcome addition to the world...thanks for sharing it!

    : )

  8. The blogosphere is a more interesting, and funnier, place with you in it. Tink!

  9. You are a tremendous example to everyone, not just gay men. That you are willing to step past your fear and change is something we all need to witness and try. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your transformation and journey.

  10. Happy Anniversary Steven!

  11. And what a year it's been! Take time to realize what journey you've begun, and how far you've come. Courageous you are!

  12. You've come a long way in this short one-year period. Happy Blogiversary!

  13. You have come a long way Steven.
    Happy blogoversary!
