Thursday, July 24, 2008

Say Its Not So

Not this again. I was about to post a silly blog as I was in a silly mood until I happened to check out Birdie's site. However the wind was completely knocked out of my sails by what I read. It seems that one of my favourite blogs Cooper's Corridor then later Nico's Niche is a total fraud! There is no 'Cooper', it was a 52 year old woman who was stealing other blog writers posts. I commented on Birdie's site that to me it almost feels as if Cooper and the boys were killed and are no longer with us. I am just so saddened (plus really f***ing shocked) that something so beautiful turned out to be false. Not this again, when I first started reading blogs I was tricked into believing the blog about the gay man who was dying of cancer, I was feeling down for almost a week when he supposedly died, then it turned out to be totally fake. I am really questioning who is for real and who is not, and what about the blogger he was dating for a while, was that a second blog by the same lady or someone in on the joke, helping to trick us. You can read more on this at Birdie's site as she has links. If there is really a 'Birdie', I mean crap who knows anymore! O_O (Kidding Birdie)

I did often wonder how such a young man was able to adopt two boys as it is hard even for couples to get children in Canada. I guess that is why you never saw a picture of him with the boys together. From what I can understand the boys were real but were her grandchildren, but then again can we believe that. Who was the handsome young man in the picture I wonder. I can't help feel so betrayed, I am thankful I never really connected to this blogger, it would have hurt too much to find out the truth. The only blog writers I trust at the moment are the guys I have actually talked to. I kept telling two of my close blog buddies that my tracker is picking up something funny, some of the different bloggers who visit my site, have the same IP address.

I have to say if by chance the 'Cooper' person reads this post, it is okay sweetheart, I don't wish any bad thoughts towards you, I think you needed something from us and I don't know the reasons why you choose to go about it in such a dishonest way but you did give me many smiles over these months and there were days when you lifted my spirits, so I honestly hope you find what ever healing you need to be completely well, as I think there is some sort of decent person hiding in there. Just don't do this again please, as you have slightly damaged my faith in people.


  1. Well... I'm real.

    Thankfully you don't sound like a aging woman. But I've never seen you. Hmmm.

  2. Sad.

    But, I think what's sadder is that I'm a bastard for never caring for his/her writings in the first place.

  3. Well, I am a 54-year-old woman. But I've never pretended to be anything else! Always real, wishing the best for you.

  4. Stevo:

    who cares? I'm a 56-year-old man who is half a fifteen-year-old girl. Who am I to question anyone else's circumstances?

    Sorry you feel taken advantage of, though; that's never nice.

    We ALL need to spend less time on line...


  5. You know what, I'd be pissed off too about it! If I want to read fiction, I will buy a novel.

    Luckily enough I know a lot of the Dutch bloggers of which I read their blog in person. At least I know they are for real.

  6. She must have her own reason for her to do what she did... I'm not saying that lying and cheating is right, but it does take two to play the game. Pick yourself back up and off to bigger and better things.

    Have a good weekend luff.

  7. Blogs are like on line personals. You may not know what is really true and what is s-t-r-e-c-h-e-d,
    Since most bloggers you'll never meet in person. Fortunately, The few I've met were real!

  8. I think we all need to heed troll's advice and the advice that parents are giving their children about the Internet and who is out there.

  9. A lot of us were deceived, and a lot of us felt betrayed. With that said, I'm really miffed about "Nicky" playing with our friend Patrick's heart. Patrick is a sweetie (and we know him "in real life," so there's no question he's of flesh and blood, as opposed to online creations). "Nicky" long-distance romanced our friend to the point that he traveled across the continent to see if there was something worth pursuing. That's just wrong! If this person has issues, which she clearly does, then I can have some sympathy for her, but she let her issues seriously fuck with the head of a good man, and that I have trouble forgiving. I'm trying, because Patrick is leading the charge on forgiveness, but it really is tough.

  10. I too was fooled by the guy who was sick and also by Cooper. I don't know how to feel too, since I got invested into their lives.
