Friday, July 25, 2008

David Is Evil Eeeevil

That is David and not 'my Dave', well actually David is not evil but a really nice guy (bit nerdy haha) but I am in a silly mood and this title will show up on his site so it is sort of a blogger inside joke. Careful 'YOU' could be next, well that is if you have a site feed blah blah blah. Speaking of silly, if you are a fellow blogger, do you have a post that generates a lot of traffic from search engines, and maybe for strange or wrong reasons. If you have a tracker have you noticed a post that seems to come up often. My strange one with a lot of hits has to be this post Men's Underwear the searches have to do with the fact it was about teen boys camping and being in their underwear. Yes I know it is perverted but it is true, I get the most google searches leading to this post. In fact at this moment just by writing 'teen boys camping while in their underwear' I will probably start to get all kinds of hits for this post as well. If any of you came to this post because of that search, well then go get help you frigging perverts! Oh yes and I am telling your bishops on you as well! May I just add that there is nothing wrong with hot men in their underwear, in fact if you are hot and want to send me a picture of yourself in your unde... well you know the rest. Just not you Birdie and Java, I am still confused (and frightened) by most of women's underwear, ummm maybe I better add Cincy Diva in there too! The strangest search that brought someone to this post went something like 'my wife and mother wrestle in their underwear" okay so I never want to meet that person!

That's all folks, hope everyone has a nice weekend. By the way, it has rained here everyday for almost two weeks now, if I start to see animals coming two by two, then I know we really need to worry.


  1. Don't worry buddy I'll delete this post if you want! Haha! ;P

  2. You've already read my underwear story; I'm not sending any pictures.

    I get a ton of google hits from other countries for this term only: "strelitzia," which is the genus name for Bird of Paradise plants. It's the name of my blog. But why do so many people google that term? Actually, a couple of people, from Rome and Germany, have come back to read.

  3. Yep. Underwear generates a lot of hits. So many that I ended up deleting most of those posts.

    However, the number one search term/phrase for me has been peeing on your feet to cure athlete's foot. And what's really amazing, is that my blog isn't listed until about page seven on Google links.

  4. Oh that is right Birdie, and remember I was laughing 'with' you! :P

    Hey Paul and who was it that put me up to writing a post about underwear, hmmmmm? ;)

  5. A gay Republican of color. I am all shades of evil. :-P

  6. I wrote a post about mustaches and gay men from the 70's. It was a silly post but it is by far the most popular one. I don't get it.

  7. Well, Steven, I may be hot, but it's hot flashes and not sexy.
    Frankly, women's underwear frightens me, too. I quickly find the plain white cotton stuff and get out of that department as fast as I can.
    I have been known to walk slowly down the men's underwear aisle, though.

  8. The word underwear generates lots of hits.
