Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I Lost My Job! O_O

Oh no what will I do! My life is ruined! I'm ready to faint, cue the violins! Said Steven with as much gay drama as he can without laughing too hard. Just kidding about being upset by it. I really mean, woohoo I lost my job! It was starting to suck the life out of me as I had been with the company over ten years. It actually happened a little while ago, just I did not feel like talking about it until now. I knew the lay-off was coming for a couple of months so it was no surprise and my whole department was wiped clean, more work sent to Asia. I'm not really sad about it, I want a change in life, it was just a job, I would like a career. Nobody feel bad either, I am a total little ant that saves for the hard winter so I will be fine.

I am at a cross roads now, I feel like a kid again in that I have a chance to go back to school and there are so many opportunities it is hard to go with one that I think I may enjoy. It is a little payback for my sins of a lazy youth. You see I am a classic under achiever, when I was younger my report cards always said "Steven has great potential but does not apply himself", my Mom would always read that and do a growl noise kind of like Marge Simpson only with a lot more anger. My whole goal in life was to get what ever grade I would need to pass and anything over that mark was a lucky bonus. When it came time for college, again minimum courses taken. Where that put me years later is in a position where I have a lot of obsolete skills. So time for a change, I could stay in the field I am in but it will now be a cycle of working for small start up companies that may eventually move to Asia and then I would have to move on and again start all over. I want to break out of that infinite round room.

I am actually looking for ideas, I have a few things I am looking at but the more ideas the better. Here is where you guys or girls if any read this blog can come in. If you generally like what you are doing and would recommend it let me know (keep in mind that every job has it's bad days), if there was a job you started out doing before what you have now and think it is a good stepping stone let me know. If you were part of a lay-off right now and had the opportunity to go back to school, what do you think you might like to try or heard from a trusting source was a good career move? If you are in a course and really like it, tell me a little about it. To make it easier, I could never work in something dealing with blood, guts or bodies, also not all the lights on the Christmas tree burn brightly so super chemical engineer with an over load of math equations and formulas is also out of the question. Now that I am older I really don't want to go back to making porn movies again. OK just kidding I don't have the body for that and I won't even go to strip clubs but I got your attention! Don't be shy, feel free to let me know in the comments area or click on my profile and send me an email, even if you never commented before I would really appreciate your suggestions.


  1. Good luck with the job search!
    What was your former job?

    Maybe you could get a business diploma or something and work as a finance person?

    Goodluck with the search!

  2. no job eh? well, you could always use that as a stepping stone to get out there and start fresh in a new city. Who knows what opportunities await you...

  3. If you worked in an office environment before, why not try something completely different? Even if it's just a temporary thing, it could be rewarding to do something where you work with your hands: a bakery, a plant nursery or floral shop, a bookstore. You have a kind heart - maybe working with the physically or mentally impaired (without involving blood or guts). Don't become an apprentice mortician.

  4. I've been there. Twice. It's never easy to figure out what you want to do next.

    You did get my attention with the "actor" thing. LOL.

  5. IT is not an option if you want inspiring, if your looking for stressful, then its perfect ;-)

  6. Working for the government is many times a sound and secure move. And the benefits aren't bad, either. Honestly, I'd like to get outside the office a lot more. I loved the construction and landscaping when I work with the park district in college. Did all the flower beds, too. Go figure! Consider urban planning and/or design. Or perhaps getting into business or finance may be a sound decision as "W" suggests.

  7. ^I'm thinking government too, for both me and you.

  8. Congratulations !?!?!?!? I guess.

    This gives you a wonderful chance to do what you want to do with your life, take some time and decide what is best for you!

  9. You can never go wrong with a business degree. Itis flexible and you have a chance to work in a bunch of different industries if you so choose.

    Also, teaching is a total worthwhile profession and it is really rewarding. If you like children, then it may be a good look. You will not be rich, but you will have a chance to make an impact on a lot of lives.

  10. I wish I could take my job issues that lightly right now.
