Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Get A Life. Please!

Last night I turn on my TV to get a bit of news, I don't really watch a lot of TV but I like news and news shows. Again the news is screaming the latest huge, huge head line, same with my server's home page and most other home pages for different sites. The same huge story that has people in heated debates everywhere, not the wars, not global warming, not even all the natural disasters like the wild fires, tornadoes and earth quakes that have struck fear in people. It is the fact that Dumbledore is gay, correction, the character Dumbledore is gay. Yes I know that may shock many people on earth, not that he is gay but that we must remember there is no Dumbledore, he is not real, he does not exist. I am not a Harry Potter fan, I never read the books. I did see the movies and they were enjoyable, however I did not even remember this character's name until this week. I have nothing against the Harry Potter books, I think they are more for kids and I know if I was a kid now I would read every one. They are the type of story I loved when younger and if it gets children reading then that is a great bonus.

As a gay man coming out, the reaction to Dumbledore makes me do a double take and I want to stop and take a step back. I thought we keep hearing that things are getting better and people are more open minded. However the headlines for the last three days keep screaming the story. Come on get a grip straight people, it is not like she has to go back and rewrite all the books and have him say things like "you go girlfriend" and "oh no he di-en't" while listening to Cher CDs. How can there be such a reaction to someones sexuality when that person does not really exists. I wonder how many children suffered and died needlessly in the world yesterday while everyone was wondering if Dumbledore is a top or bottom. There is just something wrong with the priorities in the western world. Have we, meaning gay people become the train wreck for straight people. Like a wreck, do they peer into our sex lives to be jolted out of their boring sex lives and like a wreck do they say "disgusting" while scrambling for a better view? If they did not want to hear about him being gay, why then do they glue themselves to the TV to hang on the author's every word about his sexuality. So what if he is gay, it still does not change the fact that he is an interesting character in the books.

I really had to admire J.K Rowling in the interview I saw with her last night, which I had to give up and watch because there was an interview being shown on almost every channel. They were really drilling her and trying to make her change what she said, because we all know that global warming and oil shortages are being caused by him being gay. She was very firm and said that he is her character, so she alone will decide what and who the character will be from a feeling that she gets from writing about him all these years. Case closed, and I thought good for you, I think I even saw a little smirk especially when asked about some of the religious protests. I smirked also and I realized, "aah you got them", what can these nut cases say. She knows they never read her books so the false threats of boycotts are no weapon against her. In fact I would be laughing too because thanks to the right wing Christian groups she has had more free publicity in the last three days than she could ever have paid for with all her millions. I think if I were an artist and were to ever write a book or a make a movie, that is one group I would try to tick off.

The main stream straight people can be just as hypocritical, with their attitudes of, look how cool I am to have a gay friend, but just don't ask for the same rights as me, and I really think what you do is gross but tell us in detail what is it exactly that you guys/girls do? A friend of mine once told me about a bad coming out, it ended up with these straight people calling and asking how were they suppose to deal with it. Well screw you! Who the hell do they think they are, deal with what? Cut the drama breeders your lives are ten times easier than any stress felt by a gay man or woman worried about coming out. Sometimes I get angry while watching TV or a movie and will turn it off when they start the bull about forbidden love. What would straight people know about forbidden love? Really unless they lived in a third world country where different cultures or class are not allowed to marry under the threat of death, they would not know how it really feels. They would only have to move to a city that did not know their families. So really people, get a life and forget about whether Dumbledore is gay, then when you open your eyes you will be shocked to discover what you let go on around you with your inaction and it has nothing to do with who is sleeping with whom. If the straight world is looking to cash in on hidden secrets in children's movies, then here is a hidden one to them from the movie Babe. Duck ewe pigs!


  1. Your post is great! Of all things going on in the world and they are worried about a character from a book being sad.

  2. Isn't it great to be fascinating without even trying?

  3. You do hit the nail on the head. People's prioities are really screwed!

    What's the most read magazine in our salon? People of course! Useless dribble on all the celebrities. That's what customers want to read about.

  4. Wow - fantastic post. You're exactly right - especially the "train wreck" section.

  5. Well said! It is true though, north american culture is becoming increasingly "dumbed down" to the lowest common denominator to attrack to must media if even for just one minute. If you want the real world news,reading the economist is a good place to start.

  6. Not being a Harry Potter* fan, I don't even know who Dumbledore is.

    But I always just assume that 5-10% of any population group has same-sex attraction. What's the big deal?

    Is he a pervert? A child molester? That might be news.

    - - -

    * I am a fan of that photo of Harry standing by the horse. Nice Pic.

  7. @Paul: I forget who but another blogger said he didn't believe that picture to be real because he saw the goods when he went to the UK. He said something about how the dick was average to small but the balls were large. I believe he used "bag of potatoes" to describe them.

  8. Hi

    I too saw Daniel Radcliffe in Eqqus. He's only just turned 18 and to give him full credit, he's pretty buff. Also, to be fair, he's stark bollock naked in a chilly theatre in front of a couple of thousand people - bound to get swimming pool syndrome - who wouldn't. Enormous balls tho - like hard boiled eggs in a handerchief! He needs to give his bush a wee trim tho. I was second row from the front and whilst I felt a little uncomfy in my thoughts that I'd definitely do him, I'd definitely still do him! He's legal tho so it's all fine!
    Dumbledore gay tho?! Bloody hellire! What's the world coming to when you can't even trust wizards.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What is it with the manscaping police? I like the natural look ... (I know, I'm in a small minority ...)

  11. Paul!!! I can't believe you! You evil little beast! I can't believe you put a link of the nude Potter on my blog! I'm trying so hard to keep this clean. However I do have this strict rule of never, never deleting comments so I will leave it there. Uhm, not that I will check it from time to time, oh no that would be so wrong.

    I think you perverts missed the point! ; P


  12. I think I need to go back and look at that photo of Daniel and the horse again. I distinctly remember the foreskin, but I don't remember those hard-boiled eggs in a handkerchief.

    Oh, now I do.

    Yes, he does need a hair cut.

  13. It was really just lazy writing. Could she not have written that? It was like she presenting a thesis on Harry Potter and she had a theory.

    Show, don't tell.

  14. Elisabeth, welcome, welcome! Not too often I get women here, my fault sorry, I know not a lot of women what to read about a gay guy coming out, I'll try to broaden things later on in my posts.
